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A forensic, fast-paced and sometimes irreverent take on the news that you won't find elsewhere. Using a unique ten-screen studio, we'll break down the news through analysing the data, the facts, the videos and the digital noise.​

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'It's not over!' Trump's election legal challenge explained

November 12, 2020 18:31 - 26 minutes Video

President Trump, his campaign team and his lawyers are not giving up. This week they launched legal challenges in several states in a last-ditch attempt to hold onto the White House. Given that all the major news networks - even Fox - have declared Joe Biden the winner, is Donald Trump just screaming into the wind or does he have a chance of remaining president?

‘You’re crazy!’ Dems v Republicans

November 05, 2020 18:59 - 26 minutes Video

African Americans are the third largest voting group in the US. Their vote matters and for decades they have voted overwhelmingly one way; Democrat. However, more and more black Americans are breaking with tradition and crossing the aisle. Exit polls predict Donald Trump picked up 12% of the black vote, a big improvement on 2016. We find out why with Republicans; Carol Swain and Amazing Lucas and Democrats; Laika Vinson and John Eaves.

Amy Coney Barrett's whirlwind confirmation.

November 04, 2020 11:03 - 2 minutes Video

She's the youngest serving supreme court justice and was confirmed in the shortest period of time. She's a distinguished legal scholar and served as an appeals judge on the 7th circuit. What does Amy Coney Barrett's record tell us about her?

Amy Coney Barrett and her affect on the US Supreme Court

November 04, 2020 10:59 - 3 minutes Video

#President Trump's third supreme court justice nomination means six of the nine justices have been appointed by #Republican presidents. What does that mean for the balance of America's highest court? #Nexus

US Supreme Court Explained

October 29, 2020 18:36 - 26 minutes Video

With just days to go until the election President Trump’s managed to squeeze another judge on to the Supreme Court, her name is Amy Coney Barrett and her swearing in has conservatives cheering and liberals virtually weeping. So who is Amy Coney Barrett and how will her confirmation affect the US Supreme Court?

Thailand protests explained

October 22, 2020 18:27 - 26 minutes Video

There have been plenty of anti-government protests in Thailand in the past, but for the first time ever, we’re seeing people openly complaining about the monarchy. This is risky behaviour, because under the so-called Lese-Majeste law it’s a criminal offence to insult the Thai Royal family and could land you in jail for 15 years. So why do protestors feel so emboldened now? and what has them so upset? We explain the protests with Parit Wacharasindhu, the nephew of a former Thai Prime Minister,...

REGN-COV2: The drug President Trump wants everyone to have

October 15, 2020 18:31 - 26 minutes Video

During his three nights in hospital President Trump was given an experimental cocktail of antibodies called REGN-COV2. He was also given a steroid called dexamethasone, a course of the anti-viral drug remdesivir and a few other over-the-counter meds, but for the president the star of the show was definitely REGN-COV2 and he wants to make it available to ALL Americans. So what is REGN-COV2? And is it safe?

Former NXIVM employees speak out

October 08, 2020 18:27 - 26 minutes Video

Why would a billionaire’s daughter join a cult which inflicted pain and suffering on other women? and what kind of cult leader could convince her to do that? Today we’re looking at the disturbing case of Clare Bronfman and Keith Raniere. 41 year old Bronfman is the daughter of the late Edgar Bronfman Senior, who ran his family’s drinks empire Seagrams. He was worth 2.6b dollars and his daughter’s wealth is estimated to be as much as 500 million dollars. Last week she was sentenced to nearly s...

Which letter are U? (economy)

October 02, 2020 08:01 - 26 minutes Video

President Trump says the economy is bouncing back in a kind of V shape and he points to the stock markets being at record highs as proof, whereas his rival Joe Biden claims it's more like the letter K, a line pointing up for rich shareholders and a line pointing down for everyone else. So who to believe?

What does Netflix see in Harry and Meghan?

September 28, 2020 16:46 - 1 minute Video

They don't have much experience when it comes to making content so what value does #Netflix see in signing Prince #Harry and #Meghan Markle for $100 million?

'They've gone Hollywood' How the media reacted to Harry & Meghan's mega Netflix deal

September 28, 2020 16:23 - 1 minute Video

#Prince #Harry and his wife Meghan's decision to ditch royal duties in the UK is really paying dividends. They've signed with #Netflix to create all manner of programming for a rumoured $100 million. How did the media react to the news?.

Julian Betton talks to NEXUS after $11m award. shot 9 times... survivor!

September 24, 2020 18:31 - 26 minutes Video

In 2015, police turned up Julian Betton's house in South Carolina with a so-called 'knock and announce' arrest warrant after they recorded him selling marijuana to a confidential informant. The problem is they didn’t knock, and they didn’t announce who they were. Not realising they were police, Mr Betton went for his gun to defend himself, but before he could fire, police shot at him 29 times and at least nine bullets entered his body. He spent 6 weeks in an induced-coma, and when he came rou...

Harry & Meghan’s $100m Netflix deal as Brits worry about jobs...

September 17, 2020 18:31 - 26 minutes Video

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have signed a 100m+ dollar deal with Netflix to make programmes that 'inform and give hope' It seems like their decision at the beginning of the year to ditch their royal duties is really paying dividends. Meanwhile the UK’s going through tough times, the ordinary Brits they left behind are dealing with the coronavirus, deaths in care homes, soaring unemployment,… but hey, at least they can look back to 2018 when they paid 43 million dollars for Harry a...

Will Trump ban Tik Tok? DEADLINE LOOMING

September 10, 2020 18:26 - 26 minutes Video

President Trump is concerned that Tik Tok’s Chinese owners, Byte Dance, will take your data and feed it back to the Chinese government and so he’s given them an ultimatum; sell Tik Tok to an American company or be shut down for good. He’s set a September 15th deadline. Does Trump have legitimate security concerns or is he just taking a swipe at China? We get the view from Washington, Beijing and a couple of TikTokkers.

Political or medical? Are masks helpful?

September 03, 2020 18:31 - 26 minutes Video

How did face masks become so political- especially in the United States? More and more governments are asking, or sometimes obliging their people to wear one in public. They say they're following the overwhelming scientific advice which states that masks do help to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus significantly. Some people don’t trust this advice, they say the guidance on masks for example, from the WHO, has been contradictory and erratic. And anyway, the mask may carry its own risks an...

Scaramucci grilled on NEXUS!

August 27, 2020 18:26 - 26 minutes Video

Nexus speaks one-on-one with Donald Trump’s former White House communications director; Anthony 'The Mooch' Scaramucci. Watch Matthew Moore grill the New Yorker as he tries to get the real truth behind why he has turned on the president and why he's now backing Joe Biden for November's 2020 election.

BREAKING NEWS from Epstein’s ex-boss and FBI agent

August 06, 2020 20:56 - 26 minutes Video

A year ago this month, the billionaire sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in a jail in New York. The circumstances were so bizarre that many people believe he was actually murdered. Either way he didn’t live to face justice and his victims were cheated out of a trial. Just two days before his death, Epstein apparently took steps to cheat them in another way. With the help of his lawyers who often visited him in jail, he changed his will, transferring his fortune to a trust fund which...

Houston, we’ve got a problem

July 30, 2020 18:46 - 26 minutes Video

Just over a week ago President Trump ordered China to shut down its consulate in Houston, Texas. He suspected they were spying on Americans and stealing intellectual property. Within hours consulate staff started burning and destroying documents.Neighbours called the fire service but they weren’t allowed into the building. Whatever staff couldn’t burn, they took away in trucks and cars. Three days later, China hit back - closing the U.S. consulate in Chengdu. So what goes on at these consulat...

NEXUS EXTRA: "I'm an eyewitness”

July 28, 2020 12:01 - 22 minutes Video

Jeffrey Epstein’s former employer who worked with him for nearly a decade in the 1980s and 1990s tells Nexus extra everything he knows about Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. He says he refused their advances to recruit him. He also talks about “paedophile Island”, and the money, sex tapes, Robert Maxwell, and Israeli intelligence. Not to mention Bill Clinton…​

Will Ghislaine Maxwell make it to trial? Ex-Warden talks

July 23, 2020 18:22 - 26 minutes Video

Well it sounds simple, all the U.S. government has to do is keep Ghislaine Maxwell alive until her trial next year, and yet there are plenty of reasons to fear she may never make it to court; just consider how easily her ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in jail almost exactly a year ago. Maxwell’s being held at a different detention centre in New York, but it still has a terrible reputation and houses all sorts of suspects including alleged murderers, sex offenders, and terrorists....

Six months since first case outside of China

July 16, 2020 18:21 - 26 minutes Video

It’s been six months since the first coronavirus case was identified OUTSIDE of China. A 61 year old woman flew directly from Wuhan to an airport in Bangkok and was tested positive on January 13th. More flights from China continued to spread the virus around the world and the WHO declared a pandemic two months later on March 11th. More than half a million people have died with Covid-19 in just six months. Over that period we’ve talked to all kinds of people involved in scientific research cov...

Epstein’s Ex-Girlfriend Arrested​

July 09, 2020 18:32 - 26 minutes Video

Ghislaine Maxwell has always lived the high life but now she has been brought low. Sitting in a jail in New York - she awaits trial - accused of grooming young girls to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein. If found guilty, the 58 year old could spend the next 30 years in a U.S. prison. A daunting prospect for a woman who’s known nothing but privilege. Her father was the notorious billionaire Robert Maxwell - her friends include Prince Andrew. She’s spent her entire life close to the rich an...

‘KEEP HER ALIVE!’ - Epstein’s Ex-Girlfriend Arrested​

July 09, 2020 18:32 - 26 minutes Video

Ghislaine Maxwell has always lived the high life but now she has been brought low. Sitting in a jail in New York - she awaits trial - accused of grooming young girls to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein. If found guilty, the 58 year old could spend the next 30 years in a U.S. prison. A daunting prospect for a woman who’s known nothing but privilege. Her father was the notorious billionaire Robert Maxwell - her friends include Prince Andrew. She’s spent her entire life close to the rich an...

Bubba Wallace, a noose and 15 FBI agents

July 02, 2020 18:24 - 26 minutes Video

This is an intriguing story about how race and racism is covered by the media in the United States - especially since the killing of George Floyd - and it starts with a noose being found in a garage used by Bubba Wallace. He’s the only black driver in NASCAR, which is one of America’s top motor sports. The noose is a symbol and reminder of slavery, lynching and segregation and with that in mind, NASCAR reacted by calling it a “heinous act” and then called the FBI who immediately sent 15 agent...

3 million flee to UK in Hong Kong exodus?

June 25, 2020 18:23 - 26 minutes Video

Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of Hong Kong? Many people who live on the island fear we are.They say China’s plan to introduce a new so-called “security law” will end the freedom they’ve enjoyed for decades and will make them as oppressed and monitored as people on the mainland. And this could all happen within days, in fact China’s parliament is expected to pass the law before the end of this month. Totally bi-passing Hong Kong’s own legislative council. Britain, the former colo...

Third time's a charm? Could Joe Biden's THIRD attempt for the White House be the one?

June 23, 2020 12:49 - 2 minutes Video

CLICK AND WATCH MORE ABOUT JOE BIDEN: Joe Biden's no stranger to presidential campaigns. He's tried twice before but has never got as far as he has this time around. So could 2020 be Biden's? Or has he left it too late

Is Joe Biden fit to be president?

June 18, 2020 18:46 - 26 minutes Video

More than 30 years after he first ran for president, things are looking up for Joe Biden, a CNN poll last week put him 14 points ahead of Donald Trump - with just 5 months to go till the election in November. The Trump campaign called the poll totally biased but if you do believe their survey, this election is Biden’s to lose.... And that’s not out of the question.​ He’s by far the more popular candidate amongst black Americans but scored a massive own goal last month by saying; if you don't...

Candace Owens vid gets 85m views - we hear from her friend + ex-cop who says she’s totally wrong

June 12, 2020 08:57 - 26 minutes Video

The killing of George Floyd by a white police officer last month in the United States has sparked global protests. For George Floyd’s loved ones, it’s a sad and tragic time and you’d think that no one would contradict their account of him as a gentle giant and a devout Christian. But you’d be wrong. A leading Conservative political activist - Candace Owens has called Floyd a “horrible human being” on Facebook. Her video has had more than 85 million views. In the video she argues Floyd was a c...

Twitter censors Trump for first time - POTUS hits back with Exec Order

June 04, 2020 18:28 - 26 minutes Video

Is this the end for President Donald Trump? The election’s just five months away and America is going through an incredibly dark time. Whichever channel you’re watching you’re either confronted with the pandemic, which has killed over 100,000 Americans, or you’re watching cities burn following the killing of a black man by a white police officer. Many of those channels are highly critical of President Trump’s response to both crises and as always he fights back with Twitter. With over 80 mill...

President Trump’s taking hydroxychloroquine, but what about the rest of us?

June 01, 2020 07:30 - 26 minutes Video

Hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades to treat malaria, lupus, and other conditions and no-one’s batted an eye-lid… until now. Last week President Trump suddenly announced he was taking it to prevent getting Covid-19. He’s actually been touting its benefits for months. A number of political opponents, medical professionals and journalists immediately railed against the President’s advice but scientists around the world are currently trialling the drug as a preventative medication… Is ...

'Shut up and wear a mask!’ China’s new diplomats take on America, India, Europe and others...

May 21, 2020 18:29 - 26 minutes Video

You may have noticed that whenever China is criticised, their diplomats, who used to be a quiet, subtle bunch, now pop up immediately on the counter-attack. Especially Zhao Lijian, who claimed, erroneously, that the virus may have come from America. Another diplomat, in Venezuela, tweeted people should “shut up and wear a mask” And they’ve threatened to boycott Australian goods for demanding an international investigation into the origins of the virus. Collectively, this new younger cadre of...

NEXUS EXTRA: Wuhan Lab - DEEP ANALYSIS with leading arms control expert Milton Leitenberg

May 16, 2020 10:46 - 24 minutes Video

CLICK HERE FOR MORE ABOUT WUHAN LAB LEAK: Milton Leitenberg has decades of experience when it comes to biosafety and biosecurity and he outlines the evidence for the Wuhan lab leak theory for Nexus.

'IT'S NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY' did COVID-19 leak from Wuhan Lab​?​

May 14, 2020 18:24 - 26 minutes Video

Did this whole coronavirus disaster begin in a Chinese laboratory? President Trump and his secretary of state Mike Pompeo, believe it probably did. So today we’re focussing on the top-security lab in Wuhan at the centre of those accusations. What kind of work goes on there? We know they study bats - but why? Also, how safe are these kinds of laboratories? This wouldn’t be the first leak. And ‘virus hunting’ in caves who is China’s ‘Bat Woman’? We’ll be hearing from former UN weapons inspector...

Censored doctor talks to NEXUS

May 08, 2020 06:15 - 26 minutes Video

Is it time to end the lockdown? Many of us would prefer to stay at home rather than risk getting the coronavirus - but there are plenty of people arguing we should go back to work and back to normal. Two doctors in California say they have the data to prove the lockdown’s been a total waste of time and does ‘more harm than good’ A video of them presenting their findings was viewed over FIVE million times on YouTube, before the site took it down. Conservative influencer Brandon Straka isn't pa...

END THE LOCKDOWN? Brandon Straka vs Matt Binder AND the Doctor censored by YOUTUBE

May 08, 2020 06:15 - 26 minutes Video

Is it time to end the lockdown? Many of us would prefer to stay at home rather than risk getting the coronavirus - but there are plenty of people arguing we should go back to work and back to normal. Two doctors in California say they have the data to prove the lockdown’s been a total waste of time and does ‘more harm than good’ A video of them presenting their findings was viewed over FIVE million times on YouTube, before the site took it down. Conservative influencer Brandon Straka isn't pa...

NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (AND WOMEN)? 1 in 3 of all UK COVID-19 deaths now in care homes

April 30, 2020 20:32 - 26 minutes Video

It's a national scandal that around one third of all daily Covid-19 deaths in Britain are now in care homes. That’s a massively high death rate compared to the rest of the population and it’s not just the UK, it’s a similar picture in many other European countries. Is this high death rate just because care residents are elderly and vulnerable? Or is partly because governments and society more broadly just don’t care enough?

Trump says WHO failed - is he right to suspend funding?​

April 23, 2020 19:45 - 26 minutes Video

President Trump is blaming the World Health Organisation for this crisis. He believes the WHO failed to protect us from the spread of the virus, largely because it was afraid to offend the Chinese government. But the W.H.O’s director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has batted away that criticism, warning the world not to politicise COVID-19. So who do you find more credible?

She beat Covid-19. Now her plasma can help others

April 09, 2020 19:38 - 26 minutes Video

As we watch the number of cases and deaths from coronavirus rise, we want to make sure that you are prepared. And whether you’re in a so-called vulnerable group or not, there are some things you need to know; for example how bad do your symptoms have to get before you call an ambulance? Is it more dangerous to go into hospital than to stay at home? And how are the doctors going to help you - assuming they have the equipment? We speak with a consultant dealing with patients at a London hospita...

NOT FAIR! Coronavirus lockdowns depends on money and status!

April 02, 2020 19:17 - 26 minutes Video

Like millions around the world the Nexus team is still living and working in lockdown. It can be lonely, it can be tedious, but we have to remember it is still the best way to beat Covid-19 and that for some people - including millions of migrant workers in India - life is hanging by a thread. We’ll find out how the world's biggest lockdown is going and getting tips on how to handle isolation from NASA astronaut Clayton Anderson. We’ll also be comparing “lockdown living spaces” - it’s alright...

SELF-EMPLOYED going broke in DAYS! coronavirus to blame.. ADAPT TO SURVIVE #coronavirus #stayathome

March 26, 2020 21:07 - 26 minutes Video

The top priority during this coronavirus outbreak is to save lives - then for many it’s to save their businesses so we’re focussing on the self-employed men and women struggling to adapt. We spoke to “America’s best boss” Dan Price, economist Vicky Pryce and a couple of small business owners who have been hit hard by the crisis.

Coronavirus warning! America’s “best boss” Dan Price on why he’s staying home! #stayathome

March 19, 2020 19:07 - 26 minutes Video

Today we’re going to be looking at lockdowns around Europe and the United States and asking an epidemiologist “which country’s got it right? We’ll also be hearing from white-collar criminal defence attorney, Vinoo Varghese, from his office on Wall Street, who says with the lockdown, it’s a good time to be a criminal. We’ll then head over to Seattle where CEO Dan Price and all his employees have been working remotely for a month now (they don’t call him the best boss in America for nothing!) A...

Top scientist predicts when he'll have coronavirus vaccine

March 12, 2020 18:33 - 26 minutes Video

We need to defeat coronavirus - COVID-19 - so Nexus talks to one of the best vaccine hunters in the world - Dr Paul McKay from Imperial College, London. He talks about animal testing, human testing and predicts when the vaccine will be ready. It's all happening in record time...

It’s started. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange fighting extradition to U.S. - does he deserve mercy?

February 27, 2020 18:41 - 26 minutes Video

Julian Assange is facing extradition to the United States, where he has been charged on 18 counts related to computer hacking. His fans see him as a symbol of free speech, transparency and honest journalism…. his critics say he’s a hacker, who endangered lives and national security by leaking confidential documents on his website, Wikileaks. His extradition hearing began in London this week.

What is truly Scandinavian? Nothing! according to SAS Airlines latest ad.

February 20, 2020 18:48 - 25 minutes Video

But a Viking historian tells NEXUS that's nonsense! the ad was designed to provoke... but was it really part of a globalist agenda? 100,000+ people disliked it on YouTube already... SAS dismisses them as an 'online attack'. We also hear from a Danish journalist and a Lebanese immigrant to Sweden who thinks the ad's cool ... but... recognises it wouldn't be allowed in Lebanon!! You can watch the full SAS Airlines ad here: And can see more of Sturla...

'We need to act now' The fight to contain billions of Locusts wreaking havoc across East Africa

February 13, 2020 18:45 - 26 minutes Video

Kenya is in the grips of its worst locust crisis in 70 years. Hundreds of billions of them are eating their way through east Africa and beyond, threatening the food security for 19M people. Some individual swarms are said to number over a billion, and they’re predicted to get much much bigger in the coming months. What can be done to stop them?

USING WHATSAPP? Top Hacker explains dangers revealed by MBS / BEZOS scandal

January 30, 2020 18:42 - 26 minutes Video

The news that the UN was accusing Mohammed Bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, of hacking the phone of tech entrepreneur Jeff Bezos, seemed like a bolt from the blue. But as the story unfolded it became clear there was a deep well of politics behind the apparently random act. And it touched on some of the most bitter geopolitical disputes happening right now.

AUSTRALIA FIRES – The catastrophic blazes that are devastating the Aussies

January 23, 2020 18:36 - 26 minutes Video

Fires happen in Australia every year, but not fires like these. Experts say they warned the Australian government for decades that the country’s rising temperature and increasing droughts would spark a blaze unlike anything they’d seen before. Yet when the wildfires began to ravage the states of New South Wales and Victoria a few months ago, firefighters say they were unprepared and under-resourced. The blowback has been ferocious and has fallen mainly on the shoulders of Prime Minister Scott...


January 17, 2020 16:53 - 26 minutes Video

176 died when Iran’s military shot down a Ukrainian plane over Tehran on January 8 2020. Why shoot at a plane? Why not close airspace? Why did Iran say it was mechanical failure? What do Iranian protesters think? And will there be a REAL investigation? NEXUS, with Matthew Moore

GHOSN BACK! How former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn skipped bail in Japan and popped up in Lebanon

January 09, 2020 18:42 - 26 minutes Video

Carlos Ghosn was on the verge of becoming a cautionary tale about doing business in Japan. The titan of the car industry, detained and indicted for financial misconduct in Tokyo, faced years in prison at the hands of the country’s ruthless justice system. That was until he disappeared on 29th December, turning up half a world away in Beirut. How did he escape and why? Nexus investigates.

How will the big stories of 2019 play out in 2020?

January 07, 2020 17:25 - 26 minutes Video

We take a look at some of the main stories to watch out for in 2020 and a look back at some the more unusual stories we covered in 2019. Nexus with Matthew Moore
