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Canada Residential Schools scandal of unmarked graves

July 12, 2021 19:06 - 26 minutes Video

Over the past couple of months dozens of Churches have been vandalised, attacked and even burned to the ground. The assault on churches started after hundreds of unmarked graves were discovered in the grounds of three Church-run ‘Residential Schools’. The schools were government funded and run by the clergy and were tasked with assimilating indigenous children into Canadian society. Conditions were very hard and children died from various diseases and other causes at a far higher rate than i...

John McAfee reveals Bitcoin inventor plus - not Jeffrey Epstein

July 08, 2021 18:20 - 26 minutes Video

PART 2 of 2: John McAfee, the founder of the ubiquitous anti-virus software of the same name, was found dead in a Spanish prison cell late last month; supposedly a suicide. But his wife and others don’t believe that. They say the mercurial millionaire would never kill himself. And they might be right to be suspicious. McAfee was a fighter and although he made his money from software he was a hard man. For the past few years he’s been on the run, chased by U.S. authorities over alleged tax fra...

McAfee murder or suicide? His lawyer says it’s another Jeffrey Epstein

July 05, 2021 19:13 - 26 minutes Video

PART 1 of 2: John McAfee, the founder of the ubiquitous anti-virus software of the same name, was found dead in a Spanish prison cell late last month; supposedly a suicide. But his wife and others don’t believe that. They say the mercurial millionaire would never kill himself. And they might be right to be suspicious. McAfee was a fighter and although he made his money from software he was a hard man. For the past few years he’s been on the run, chased by U.S. authorities over alleged tax fra...

McAfee murder or suicide? His lawyer says it’s another Epstein

July 05, 2021 19:13 - 26 minutes Video

PART 1 of 2: John McAfee, the founder of the ubiquitous anti-virus software of the same name, was found dead in a Spanish prison cell late last month; supposedly a suicide. But his wife and others don’t believe that. They say the mercurial millionaire would never kill himself. And they might be right to be suspicious. McAfee was a fighter and although he made his money from software he was a hard man. For the past few years he’s been on the run, chased by U.S. authorities over alleged tax fra...

UK v Russia navy - who wins? Truth behind HMS defender incident

July 01, 2021 18:20 - 26 minutes Video

A top-secret 50-page document belonging to Britain’s Ministry of Defence, found behind a bus stop by a member of the public, reveals that Britain knew all along that sailing a Royal Navy warship off the coast of Crimea would provoke Russia, but did it anyway to avoid looking scared of president Vladimir Putin. You’ll remember Russia described the incident as a dangerous provocation while the Brits said it was all a storm in a teacup! Question is, who’s telling the truth?

Ryanair plane hijacked over Belarus - what now?

June 24, 2021 18:16 - 26 minutes Video

It’s now been one month since a Ryanair plane with 132 people on board was essentially hijacked over Belarus and forced to land at Minsk airport. The hijacking was ordered by Belarus’s leader - Alexander Lukashenko - who is sometimes referred to as Europe’s last dictator. Lukashenko’s agents forcibly removed and arrested journalist Roman Protosevich and his girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, before letting the plane continue its journey. It’s an astounding story which one European leader called an ‘u...

Why Americans are split on Dr Anthony Fauci

June 21, 2021 18:58 - 26 minutes Video

For those of you who aren’t familiar with him; Doctor Anthony Fauci is the face of the American government’s fight against the Coronavirus. A veteran public health expert, he’s served seven U.S. presidents and knows how to survive the slings and arrows of Washington. His supporters believe he’s done a great job in difficult circumstances, especially under president Trump, but his detractors think he’s made a mess of the coronavirus response and some believe he’s not just incompetent but corru...

'They're booing BLM' How did England fans react to players taking a knee?

June 21, 2021 11:14 - 2 minutes Video

England's manager Gareth Southgate says the decision to take a knee at the beginning of each match at Euro 2020 is not a political one but a gesture of solidarity. But the move received a mixed reception from fans when England played Croatia at Wembley. CLICK HERE FOR MORE:

Should England footballers stop taking a knee at Euro 2020?

June 17, 2021 17:55 - 26 minutes Video

The (delayed) Euros 2020 is underway. It's one of the greatest football tournaments on earth. It's being played in 11 European countries and hundreds of millions of people will be watching, which means gestures like 'taking a knee' are being seen all over the world. Not all teams are doing it, but notably the England team is taking a knee before every match and while some people support it, it drives others up the wall.

Olympic variant next?! Tokyo 2020 fears of new coronavirus

June 14, 2021 18:29 - 26 minutes Video

Athletes are arriving in Tokyo and Japan is pushing ahead with the Olympics next month, even though we're in the midst of a pandemic. The Japanese government says they can handle it - but a lot of people are worried. They’re worried about the athletes and their support crews possibly bringing new variants to Japan. And they’re worried about people getting together and creating a so-called ‘Olympic variant’ and spreading that around the world. Is holding the games really worth the risk at a ...

Belgian sniper on the loose - who is Jurgen Conings?

June 10, 2021 18:19 - 26 minutes Video

A manhunt has gripped Belgium over the past few weeks. The fugitive is Jurgen Conings, a heavily-armed 46 Year old army sniper who is described as far-right and believes the government is using the pandemic as a pretext to control and harm its citizens. In particular he singles out Belgium’s leading virologist - the controversial and provocative Marc Van Ranst - who is now under round the clock protection. While it’s easy to dismiss Conings as a lone-wolf conspiracy theorist - in actual fact,...

Is Saudi Arabia using sport to distract from human rights abuses?

June 03, 2021 18:47 - 26 minutes Video

All fight fans were really looking forward to Tyson Fury v Anthony Joshua - which was meant to take place in Saudi Arabia this August - but for contractual reasons the fight’s been called off. Turns out that Fury is obliged to fight Deontay Wilder for a third time before he can face Joshua. This is all a huge disappointment for fight fans, but for some human rights campaigners it’s a good thing the fight’s not going ahead. They accuse Saudi of using the fight - indeed sporting events in gener...

Matt Gaetz Scandal, Jeffrey Epstein guards plead guilty, Ghislaine Maxwell Documentary

May 27, 2021 19:16 - 26 minutes Video

Matt Gaetz, the telegenic Congressman from Florida, who was touted as the ‘future of the Republican party’ is facing accusations of sex trafficking. Also, the prison guards who were supposed to be watching Jeffrey Epstein on the night he killed himself admit falsifying their work records. And finally, Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend, will be the subject of a new docu-series called ‘Chasing Ghislaine’ made by the same people behind last years hugely successful Netflix series 'Fi...

Israel or Palestinians? What must America do now to bring peace?

May 20, 2021 20:11 - 26 minutes Video

The Middle East; on one side Israel, with one of the world’s most advanced militaries, and on the other side, Gaza, a tiny and impoverished Palestinian territory which has been blockaded for years and is run by Hamas. As always, the world has one eye on the United States, which, as Israel’s greatest backer, is supposedly the only country in the world with the power to intervene, but what is President Joe Biden really prepared to do? In his multiple runs for the Presidency beginning in the 198...

Why did Bill Gates meet Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was convicted? Pushed Melinda to divorce?

May 17, 2021 20:25 - 26 minutes Video

Why did Bill Gates meet Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of sex offences? And did their numerous meetings prove to be the final straw for Melinda? After 27 years of marriage Bill and Melinda are divorcing. Melinda will become the second richest woman in the world. In this programme we hear Bill Gates explaining why he met Epstein - it was all in a good cause he says but admits mistake. We also hear from a top Hollywood divorce lawyer about who gets what and if the Epstein rumours make s...

How Boris Johnson keeps winning despite ALL the scandals!

May 14, 2021 08:21 - 26 minutes Video

No matter how many times Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson is accused of being sleazy, dishonest, or a buffoon, he just keeps on winning. As if his ego wasn’t inflated enough, Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party he leads, are now even stronger after the UK went to the polls last week. Not a general election, but there were still lots of seats and positions of power up for grabs. Crucially the Conservatives gained an extra seat in Parliament by winning a by-election in Labour strongh...

“I escaped North Korea... living the American dream”

May 06, 2021 19:29 - 26 minutes Video

What's really going on inside North Korea? The secretive nation - led by Kim Jong Un - claims to have zero Covid cases but with China right next door - can that really be true? We hear from Jake Kim, a North Korean who escaped more than 10 years, who doesn't believe it... or anything the North Korean government says anymore.

Can India defeat coronavirus double-mutant? Record-breaking cases, even vaccinated are dying

April 29, 2021 19:33 - 26 minutes Video

Exhausted Indian doctor tells us that people who have been double vaccinated and/or had Covid-19 last year are still getting infected with new 'double mutant variant' Dr Bhatti also tells us there are no beds, not enough oxygen, the government got complacent and now India is paying the price. Another guest, journalist Javed Ansari of New Delhi, says government critics and people asking for help are being shut down by Twitter b/c of Indian Govt. pressure.

3/3 Will you be able to go on holiday if you're not vaccinated?

April 26, 2021 21:56 - 6 minutes Video

Will airlines and other travel companies insist on their passengers being fully vaccinated to get aboard? QANTAS say yes and cruise ship companies like P&O and Saga agree. Could we be headed towards 'no jab, no holiday'? Plus, find out which European airports are now the may be surprised

2/3 The valuable African art scattered across the world

April 26, 2021 21:54 - 9 minutes Video

The Benin Bronzes are a collection of centuries old sculptures which once decorated the royal palace of the Kingdom of Benin in what is now Nigeria. They were looted more than a century ago and now many are held in museums and private collections around the world. We hear about the efforts being made to get them back.

1/ 3 Why are cases in Chile soaring when so many have been vaccinated?

April 26, 2021 21:50 - 10 minutes Video

Chile has been at the front or near the front of the vaccination race for some time now. More than 30% of the total population is fully vaccinated, making it number one in the world after Israel. Of course Chile’s been willing to use a wide-range of vaccines including China’s Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, AND Johnson and Johnson. But despite this success, cases are soaring and people are catching COVID-19...despite being 'fully vaccinated'

3/3 Fan power ends European Super League - Man City fan & journalist Ian Cheeseman delighted!

April 23, 2021 16:08 - 7 minutes Video

R.I.P. “European Super League” - football fans score a crucial victory over club owners - saving the beautiful game.

2/3 Facebook censors New York Post over BLM property story

April 23, 2021 14:20 - 8 minutes Video

FaceBook censorship strikes again, this time blocking a story about the co-founder of Black Lives Matter who’s apparently a millionaire.

1/3 Is Biden to blame for border crisis? We hear from Ex Dem Congressman & Ex Trump advisor

April 23, 2021 13:04 - 10 minutes Video

Migrants are surging in overwhelming numbers to America’s southern border - but isn’t this what Joe Biden called for?

Epstein's lawyer Alan Dershowitz cross-examined on Nexus

April 19, 2021 20:26 - 26 minutes Video

Alan Dershowitz tells Nexus “I’ve nothing to hide!” “I was only on the island once”. And “Bill Clinton passed me the phone.. it was Jeffrey Epstein...” we also ask Professor Dershowitz what he noticed about Ghislaine Maxwell when he met her and if she’ll make it to trial or if she will simply disappear....

Liberty or tyranny? Vaccine Passports are coming

April 16, 2021 11:54 - 26 minutes Video

Proof of vaccination is nothing new, many countries require it for entry but that’s a bit different to being asked to produce proof or a 'vaccine passport' in your own country, every time you want to go to the shops or to the gym. Some say vaccine passports are an attack on our liberties, others believe they’re the only way back to a normal life. So what are vaccine passports, why are they so controversial?

New Yorker angry at Governor Cuomo! + Twitter lies, Boulder suspect NOT White

April 01, 2021 18:38 - 26 minutes Video

Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York is under fire. The 63 year old stands accused of sexual harassment, messing up New York’s COVID response AND letting his family jump the queue for the coronavirus test. Should he stay or should he go? Also; calling it wrong on Twitter, how the social media giant thinks it's OK to call the alleged Boulder gunman a 'White Christian Terrorist'....when he's not. 1:00 - CUOMO MUST GO? 15:00 - LIES ABOUT BOULDER SHOOTING

A dream becomes a nightmare, ex-footballers speak out about being sexually abused

March 29, 2021 20:10 - 26 minutes Video

A long awaited report has laid bare the extent of historial child abuse in English football. The 710 page report by Clive Sheldon QC found that at least 692 boys had been abused between 1970 and 2005 but noted that the number was ‘likely to be far higher’ because not everyone would have come forward. We speak to two men who suffered abuse at the hands of the coaches they trusted; former England player and FA Cup winner Paul Stewart and his former Manchester City team mate David White. Their s...

AstraZeneca ‘effective and safe’

March 25, 2021 18:17 - 26 minutes Video

Which vaccine are you getting? It shouldn’t matter since they’re all approved, yet half of Germany, France, Spain and Italy don’t want the AstraZeneca jab, they call it the The ‘Aldi Vaccine’ - like the budget supermarket. How on earth did it go from a medical miracle to a bit of a joke? Also on the programme, misogyny in the UK, the government is making it a ‘hate crime’ how is that going to work in real life and will it really make women safer? 0:41- THE 'ALDI' VACCINE? 16:36 - MISOGYNY IN...

The rising star of Rishi Sunak

March 23, 2021 09:51 - 26 minutes Video

It’s now been one year since Britain first went into lockdown and throughout this pandemic it’s been Rishi Sunak who has steered the British economy through the crisis. He is currently chancellor of the exchequer but is the favourite to replace Boris Johnson if and when the PM steps down. That’s pretty impressive considering he’s only 40 and most people hadn’t heard of him till he became chancellor which was around the same time the Coronavirus first hit the UK. He’s led the economy through ...

3/3: Burning Bansky and Non Fungible Tokens

March 18, 2021 21:49 - 8 minutes Video

Who buys a Banksy original for nearly 100,000 dollars and then burns it? A blockchain company called Injective Protocol, that's who. They burned a Banksy print called 'morons' - which kind of sums up the whole stunt, except that somehow Injective Protocol actually made money out of it by turning ‘morons’ into a piece of digital art and selling it through Non Fungible Token technology. So what are NFTs and are they the future of art?

2/3: White men can’t translate?

March 18, 2021 21:45 - 8 minutes Video

Should white people be banned from translating black poets? Poets like Amanda Gorman. The reading of her poem 'The Hill we climb' at the inauguration of Joe Biden back in January resonated with many and her and Gorman’s publishers were having it translated into 17 languages when suddenly their plans were attacked on Twitter by Janice Deul - a self-described ‘cultural activist’ from the Netherlands who has less than 3,000 followers. She complained that the Dutch translator - Marieke Lucas Rijn...

1/3: Where next for Piers Morgan?

March 18, 2021 21:38 - 9 minutes Video

Last week Piers Morgan, one of Britain’s most high-profile journalists, walked off set during a heated argument about Meghan Markle, parting ways with his network soon after. This week he was reportedly the object of a 14 million dollar bidding war between two new conservative networks; Rupert Murdoch’s ‘News UK TV’ and ‘GB News’ run by a former BBC big wig Andrew Neil. Both are racing to be the next big thing in British broadcasting. Of course he may end up going to America and Rupert Murdoc...

Should Harry and Meghan be stripped of their titles?

March 11, 2021 18:42 - 24 minutes Video

Once every few years an interview comes along that shakes things up and the Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah Winfrey is one of the big ones. It was filmed in sunny California and was watched by an estimated 50 million people worldwide but the real earthquake happened in Britain - where the Royal Family is now trying to work out how to deal with allegations of racism. Every paper leads with the story and everyone you meet has an opinion - some feel sorry for the couple, others wish they’d...

Is cancel culture a modern day witch-hunt?

March 05, 2021 13:41 - 26 minutes Video

Donald Trump used his first big speech since losing the election to speak out about Cancel Culture; the phenomenon of publicly rejecting, boycotting, or ending support for people or groups because of their socially or morally unacceptable views or actions. It has become a hot button political issue but is it a force for good or harm?

Nigel Farage: 'I wouldn't send my kids to one'

February 25, 2021 18:38 - 25 minutes Video

A number of Britain’s private schools are quietly being sold off to Chinese investors. Some say this is just a business story, others warn there’s something very suspicious going on. Since 2014, 17 independent schools in the UK have been bought by Chinese companies, some of which have direct ties to the communist party. We speak to Roger Sinnett, the headmaster of St Bees in Cumbria which is one of the schools bought by Chinese investors; Julian Fisher who helps link Chinese investors with st...

'How it killed my son' - the pills to avoid

February 11, 2021 19:38 - 26 minutes Video

Global management consultancy McKinsey & Co has agreed to pay nearly $600 million for 'turbo-charging' the sales of highly addictive opioid painkillers. Normalisation and promotion of Purdue Pharma's OxyContin since the late 1990s has long been recognised as the genesis for America's opioid epidemic which has killed more than half a million people. Addictive opioid painkillers are often a gateway to illicit opioids like heroin. We find out the true cost of America's other epidemic with Greg M...

GameStop battle explained

February 04, 2021 18:40 - 26 minutes Video

Has populism come for capitalism? Last week a band of retail investors clubbed together on Reddit to turn the screw on Wall Street with spectacular results The Gamestop saga is one of the most fascinating business stories in years and the so-called 'Reddit Army' isn't through, they've targeted other shares and even commodities. So what's the motivation? Are they a serious force to be reckoned with? And is this really the David and Goliath tale we're lead to believe? We break it down with form...

22 men, a 30 hour delay, anyone care?

January 28, 2021 18:22 - 26 minutes Video

The spotlight is on China's mining industry once again after 22 miners were trapped deep underground in Shandong Province for two weeks. Half of them were rescued, but 10 of their colleagues did not make it out alive and one miner is still missing. The story of the rescue is no-doubt a happy one but the real question is why did the mining company wait 30 hours to alert the authorities? Could more men have been saved? And do miners' lives in China and elsewhere matter? We find out with mine re...

Can anyone help? (two guesses left to unlock Bitcoin wallet!)

January 21, 2021 18:25 - 26 minutes Video

Brad Yasar mined thousands of coins years ago and they’re now worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but he can’t access them because he’s lost the passwords to his Bitcoin wallets. He's not the only one. Another young man, Stefan Thomas, made headlines recently when he admitted he also couldn’t access his 240 million dollar fortune, he’s tried to unlock his Bitcoin wallet 8 times, and now has just two attempts left. We also look at the case of James Howells, a Welshman who’s lost even more t...

EXCLUSIVE: "New Treatment" could save your life

January 14, 2021 18:48 - 26 minutes Video

People in the UK are being warned that they’re now living through the 'worst weeks of the pandemic' More cases than ever, more deaths than ever - a “perilous moment” says the Prime Minister - and what’s really sickening, is that thousands more are expected to die with their chance to be vaccinated just weeks or a few months away - which is why we still urgently need effective treatments. Nexus speaks to the eminent British professor, Sir Christopher Edwards, who believes he came up with an id...

2021: Biden, Brexit, & Ghislaine Maxwell's trial

January 07, 2021 18:56 - 26 minutes Video

Nexus lays out the year ahead - every month has something interesting - especially with all big events delayed by the Pandemic! We focus on three events in particular - a new U.S. president, Brexit Britain and Ghislaine Maxwell's trial linked to her old friend Jeffrey Epstein - will she ever face justice? 2021 EVENTS: 0:40 BIDEN INAUGURATION: 5:20 BREXIT: 12:25 GHISLAINE MAXWELL: 19:00

Trump, Brexit, Epstein: the big players in the other big stories of 2020

January 04, 2021 09:41 - 26 minutes Video

What a year 2020 has been. The Pandemic overshadowed every world event - even the U.S. presidential election but here at the Nexus we did manage to find some time to cover other stories and speak to some interesting characters who all have their place within those stories; including President Trump’s former communications director Anthony Scaramucci, the former boss of the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein and the so-called ‘architect of Brexit’ Mr Nigel Farage.

The biggest story of the year

December 24, 2020 19:28 - 26 minutes Video

This week we’re looking back at the biggest story of 2020; the Coronavirus pandemic. There have now been more than 75 million reported cases of Covid-19 worldwide and it has spread to every continent except Antarctica. So far, the virus has claimed more than 1.66 million lives and caused the worst economic downturn since World War 2.

Who owns Western Sahara? The US-Morocco-Israel deal explained

December 17, 2020 18:24 - 26 minutes Video

Morocco has become the latest country to join President Trump's so-called 'Abraham Accords' a series of foreign policy initiatives which seek to 'normalise relations' between Arab nations and Israel. In return, the United States agreed to recognise the disputed territory of Western Sahara as belonging to Morocco. This is a pretty outrageous move for many of the indigenous people who live there, the Saharawi, who have been fighting for independence for 47 years. We take a detailed look at the ...

Exclusive Farage: “Trump TV and 2024 comeback!!”

December 03, 2020 18:41 - 26 minutes Video

Nigel Farage, one of Donald Trump's close friends and allies, says this isn't over. He predicts Trump TV and a comeback in 2024 (oh and he also talks about Brexit!)​ 1:06 - Nigel Farage in action 4:31 – Donald Trump and 2020 US Election 11:15 - #TrumpTV and 2024 US Election 14:20 - #Brexit deal 21:57 - #Immigration

Exclusive Farage: I'll fight a Brexit Betrayal

December 03, 2020 18:41 - 26 minutes Video

Nigel Farage says he will continue to campaign for the full British Brexit if Boris Johnson bows to the EU 1:06 - Nigel Farage in action 4:31 – Donald Trump and 2020 US Election 11:15 - #TrumpTV and 2024 US Election 14:20 - #Brexit deal 21:57 - #Immigration

NEXUS EXTRA: “I killed I save coral reefs”

November 27, 2020 17:54 - 23 minutes Video

Rudy Reyes is a former US Recon Marine who spearheaded missions in Afghanistan and Iraq. He and his team were involved in some of the heaviest battles in those countries. Now out of the military, Nexus speaks to Rudy about the pressures soldiers face in war; and after it. We also find out how he's encouraging fellow veterans to get involved in a new kind of mission.

Australia War Crimes Allegations Explained

November 26, 2020 18:57 - 26 minutes Video

A long awaited internal inquiry into Australia's military action in Afghanistan has found credible evidence that Australia’s special forces, including the SAS, unlawfully killed 39 Afghans; including prisoners, farmers and other civilians. In some cases, new recruits were commanded to get their first ‘kill’ by shooting people in their custody, a process known as ‘blooding’ Soldiers would also reportedly try to cover up their crimes with so-called ‘throwdowns’ by planting weapons and radios on...

Ethiopia Conflict Explained: Battle for Tigray

November 19, 2020 18:26 - 26 minutes Video

Ethiopia's federal armed forces are advancing on Tigray region in the north of the country. Tigray may be smaller but it has many battle-hardened warriors. What will happen next? Why was PM Abiy awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 2019? And is Eritrea helping Abiy to defeat the Tigrayans? And what about the tens of thousands of refugees heading to Sudan? Nexus speaks to William Davison from International Crisis Group, Horn of Africa analyst Awol Allo and Dana Hughes from the UN refugee agency UN...
