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News For Kids

533 episodes - English - Latest episode: 28 days ago - ★★★★ - 12 ratings

News For Kids brings you easy stories in English, with Chinese translations to help students and second language learners here in Taiwan!
Stories are written and recorded by ICRT correspondents, and uploaded every weekday morning.

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People Give Teddy Bears to Kids in Turkey

March 27, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hi students! Do you have a teddy bear? Teddy bears are really cute. Maybe you don't have a teddy bear. Maybe you have a stuffed animal like a rabbit or dog. Maybe it makes a sound when you touch it. 你有泰迪熊嗎?也許你沒有,也許你有其他的動物玩偶,像兔子或是狗狗?有的動物玩偶按下去還會發出聲音。 Teddy bears and other stuffed animals make kids feel happy. They make kids feel safe, too. 泰迪熊或是動物玩偶可以讓孩子們高興,也給他們安全感。 There is a country named Turkey. In February, many people went to a soccer game there. These people did something very, very ni...

Ancient Bows and Arrows Found

March 26, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Let's pretend… It is 50,000 years ago. You are in Europe. You are a hunter! You are looking for food. You want to catch a deer. You need meat for your family. 想像一下你是五萬年前的歐洲獵人,想要獵一頭鹿來餵飽家人。 But deer are fast! What can you do? Throw a rock? No, that wouldn't work. 但是鹿跑得飛快,丟石頭也沒用,怎麼辦呢? Ah! How about a bow and arrow? That would work, right? 用弓箭怎麼樣? Bows and arrows are amazing. They are strong! You can shoot arrows super far! Bows and arrows are perfect for hunters. Scientists think bows and ...

Nanliao Uses Fishing Floats as Decorations

March 24, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hm… think… think… think! I'm trying to think of some ways I can do something positive for the planet. After all, Earth Hour is tonight. Do you know about Earth Hour? 今天晚上是「關燈一小時」活動,你們有聽過嗎? Every year, many people around the world celebrate Earth Hour. Today, Earth Hour will happen from eight-thirty to nine-thirty p.m. A lot of people turn off their lights during this time. This saves electricity. 今年這項活動會從八點半到九點半,很多人會把燈關掉來省電。 But we don't have to wait for Earth Hour to do nice things for th...

Ozone Layer Getting Better

March 23, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hi, students! I want to ask you a question. Do you know about pollution? Pollution means things like air or water are dirty. We get air pollution from many things, like cars. Pollution 就是汙染。很多東西都會汙染空氣,像是汽車。 Pollution is bad. It causes a lot of problems. One problem is big: air pollution hurts the ozone layer. The ozone layer is above the earth and the clouds. You can't see it, but it helps us a lot. 空氣汙染會破壞臭氧層。臭氧層是在比雲還要高的地方,我們看不到它,但是它幫了我們很大的忙。 The ozone layer keeps us safe from the sun. We w...

Thailand's Tuk-Tuks Go Green

March 22, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Have you been to Thailand? It's a great place to visit. Thailand has spicy food, hot weather, and beautiful beaches. 你有去過泰國嗎?泰國有辛辣的料理、炎熱天氣,還有美麗的海灘,很適合度假。 Everywhere in Thailand, there are lots of tuk-tuks. What's a tuk-tuk? It's a little car with only three wheels. 泰國到處都有嘟嘟車。嘟嘟車是一種只有三個輪子的小車。 They're an easy way to go anywhere fast. It's easy to find a tuk-tuk, and the driver will take you anywhere you want. 嘟嘟車讓旅客來去方便快速,它很好找,而且司機會帶你去任何你想去的地方。 Tuk-tuks are super useful. But they have two bi...

Californians Collect Water From Storms

March 21, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is World Water Day! What does that mean? Does it mean we should all go take a bath and splash water everywhere? 今天是世界水資源日!這是甚麼意思?叫我們去泡澡、到處潑水嗎? Not really! In fact, World Water Day is about taking care of our fresh water. 不是喔!世界水資源日要我們好好珍惜淡水資源。 Where does freshwater come from? It can come from the ground, or it can fall from the sky. 淡水從哪裡來?它可以來自地下,也可以是從天上。 How can we take care of our fresh water? To answer that question, let's talk about California. Recently, California has had two b...

First Grammy Award for Poetry

March 20, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is World Poetry Day! It's a great day to read your favorite poetry. 今天是世界詩歌日! What is poetry? It's a special way of speaking. It is like a song, but you don't need to sing it. You can just say it. That's why poetry is kind of like music. 詩歌是一種特別的說話方式。它像一首歌,但你不用唱,只要念就好了。 In the USA, there's a big award for music. It's called a Grammy. Every year, the people who make the best music get a Grammy. 美國有一個音樂大獎,叫做葛萊美獎。每一年,創作最佳音樂的人都會獲得一座葛萊美獎。 So, can poetry get a Grammy Award? For a long time...

70,000 Books Found in Hidden Library

March 19, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is World Storytelling Day. It's a great day to get out your favorite book and read a story. Where do you keep your favorite books? Most people keep them on a bookshelf at home. 今天是世界說故事日,趕快拿一本最愛的書來讀吧。你最愛的書放在哪裡呢?大部分人放在家裡的書架上。 There's a man in Germany who collected 70,000 books! Where would you keep that many books? No bookshelf is that big! 有一個德國人擁有七萬本書!這麼多書要放哪裡? Bruno was an engineer who lived in a small village. He was a quiet guy who loved one thing. He loved collecting books. Every...

America's Oldest Parade Goes Online

March 16, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Top o' the mornin'! It's St. Patrick's Day! Today is a very special day for Ireland. Ireland is a small country in Europe. 今天是愛爾蘭的大日子,愛爾蘭是歐洲一個小國家。 Many Americans have Irish grandparents or great-grandparents. Every year, all over America, Irish Americans like to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with big parades and fun parties! 很多美國人的祖先來自愛爾蘭。他們每一年都會慶祝聖派翠克節,舉辦盛大的遊行和好玩的派對! At some St. Patrick's Day parties, everything is dyed green! All the food is green, all the drinks are green… and in the city...

LeBron James Breaks NBA Record

March 15, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Yes! I'm such a big basketball fan! My favorite basketball player is a man named Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You might not know who he is… He stopped playing basketball 34 years ago! 我好愛看籃球!我最愛的NBA球員是賈霸,你可能不認識他,因為他已經34年沒有打球了。 For a long time, Abdul-Jabbar had the NBA all-time scoring record. He scored more points than any other NBA basketball player! Until now… 賈霸一直是NBA得分紀錄的保持人,但現在不一樣囉。 There's another basketball player I like too. He's called LeBron James. He plays for the LA Lakers. This year, ...

Government Pays Families to Leave Tokyo

March 14, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Do you live in a big city? If you do, you know it is crowded. 你住在大城市嗎?如果是,你應該知道它很擁擠。 More families are moving, and leaving the country for the city all the time. They come from the countryside and from small towns. 越來越多家庭移動前往城市, 他們來自鄉下跟小鎮。 These families are looking for good jobs and good schools. They hope to find these opportunities in big cities. 這些家庭希望有更多機會找到好工作跟好學校。 What's the biggest city in the world? It's Tokyo, Japan. 世界上最大的城市在哪裡?在日本東京。 Tokyo, in Japan, has almost 40 million peop...

Too Much Screen Time Is Bad for You

March 13, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

This is my favorite show! I can watch it on my TV, my computer, my phone, my tablet… *gasp* The battery's run out! 我可以用電視、電腦、手機,或是我的平板電腦??電池沒電,我就不能看我最愛的節目了! Okay, I need to calm down. I know, I know. It's only a TV show. It's not a big deal. I have very bad self-control with electronic devices. I spend too much time on them. Do you too? It's really hard to put them down! 我花太多時間在電子產品上,但就是忍不住。 I need to try harder though. Did you know that spending too much time on electronic devices isn't v...

How Do Dogs Use Their Tails?

March 12, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Who's a good boy? You're a good boy! This dog looks happy. He is wagging his tail. But I wonder… Why do dogs have a tail? What does the tail do? 這隻狗狗正在搖尾巴,牠看起來很開心。 但為什麼狗狗有尾巴呢? 尾巴有什麼功能? Recently, some scientists in Germany asked the same question. They wanted to know what a dog's tail is for. They saw how other animals use their tails. Lizards use their tails to jump. Cats use their tails to turn quickly. 德國科學家最近也在問這個問題。他們看到蜥蜴用尾巴來跳躍,貓用尾巴快速轉身。 In other words, many animals use their tails to ...

The 101-Year-Old Dancer

March 09, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today I'd like to tell you all about someone very special. She's called Dinkie Flowers. Dinkie lives in a sleepy town in the south of England. All her life, Dinkie has loved to dance. She started dancing when she was just 3 years old, and hasn't stopped! Dinkie Flowers住在英國南方一個純樸的村莊,她很喜歡跳舞,從3歲就開始,到現在仍然樂此不疲。 When she grew up, she became a professional dancer. As long as Dinkie was dancing, she was happy. 她後來成為職業舞者。她跳舞的時候很快樂! She even opened her own school. She teaches people all her best dan...

Wildcat Poop Found on Mount Everest

March 08, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Whoa! Is that a cat? It looks like a cat. It has a lot more fur, though… And it looks really angry! It looks like a grumpy old man! 這個動物長得好像貓,但是毛比較多,而且看起來在生氣,好像一個生氣的老頭子。 Maybe we would be grumpy too if we lived in the same places as these wildcats… These wildcats are called Pallas's cats. They live in dry, cold, and windy places. But guess what? We now know these cats also live on the tallest mountain in the world! Yep! Scientists found that Pallas's cats live on Mount Everest! 這種野貓叫做兔猻,牠...

Space Commander Wants More Women in Science

March 07, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is International Women's Day: a day for women and girls everywhere, from your mother, to your sister, to the President of Taiwan! 今天是世界婦女節,是給全世界女性的節日! So we're going to look at one very special woman. Her name is Dr. Peggy Whitson, and she's an astronaut. 今天我們要聊聊 Peggy Whitson 博士,她是一位太空人。 Did you know only a quarter of all science jobs in the world are done by women right now? That's not very many… 目前全球在科學界工作的人,只有四分之一是女性。 There's a place up in space called the International Space Sta...

Cows Keep Festival Eco-Friendly

March 06, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

India is a HUGE country. Many people there live in a state called Uttar Pradesh, and lots of those people are Hindu. 印度很大,有很多人住在一個叫做「北方邦」的地方,裡面不少人都是印度教徒。 Today is the start of an ancient Hindu celebration, called "Holi". It's a festival that's famous for having lots of color. People run around throwing paint at each other, it's really fun! 今天是印度教侯麗節開始的日子,這是一個色彩繽紛的節日,大家會到處在別人身上潑顏料! Today, lots of Hindus use special eco-friendly paint, so they won't harm the planet. 現在很多人會用環保顏料,比較不會傷害地球。 The...

Girl Finds Huge Shark Tooth on Beach

March 05, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

The beach is a great place to relax. You can sit on the sand and enjoy the warm sun, or go for a swim in the sea. 海灘是放鬆的地方。你可以坐在沙灘上曬太陽,或者去海裡游泳。 You can also find cool things on the beach. There are animals like crabs and starfish. You can even find seashells. But what would you do if you found an ancient shark tooth? 海灘上還可以找到很酷的東西,比如說螃蟹,海星,還有貝殼。但如果你發現了一顆古老的鯊魚牙齒,你會怎麼辦? That's what happened to a girl named Molly. She's nine years old, and her family has a special hobby. They like to look for ...

Satellite Finds New Group of Penguins

March 02, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is World Wildlife Day! Let's talk about a wild animal that lives in a cold, icy place… the emperor penguin. 今天是世界野生動物日。我們來談談生活在冷冰冰地方的野生動物… 皇帝企鵝。 Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. It is their home, but it is too cold for people. How can we learn more about these wild animals? 皇帝企鵝生活在南極洲。這是他們的家,那裡對人類來說太冷了。我們要怎麼樣做才能更了解這些野生動物呢? We can use a satellite. A satellite flies high in the sky. It can take photos of Earth. 我們可以使用衛星。衛星高飛在天空中,可以拍攝地球的照片。 Recently, scientists were looking at satel...

Boy Hopes to Have Book Published

March 01, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Oh, hey there! Let me get out of here first so I don't bother anybody. 我先離開這裡,才不會吵到人家。 Okay, now I can speak more loudly. I was just in the library reading a book. Reading is one of my favorite things to do to pass the time. It's my favorite hobby. 我剛剛在圖書館看書,這是我最大的嗜好。 I love reading fantasy stories and imagining the characters' adventures in my head. 奇幻故事是我最喜歡的。 I have always wanted to write my own book, but writing is hard! 我也想自己寫書,但是寫作好難喔! It's not so hard for a talented little boy name...

The Smallest Rabbit in the World

February 28, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Let me tell you about the smallest rabbit in the world. It can actually fit in the palms of your mom or dad's hands! 你知道全世界最小的兔子,比你爸爸媽媽的手掌還要小! Scientists say the smallest rabbit in the world lives in just one part of America, and about 20 years ago, scientists thought they were all gone. Yeah! They thought the tiny rabbit was extinct… Like the dinosaurs! Gone, forever! 科學家說,美國只有一個地區有這種兔子,而且二十年前,他們就以為這種兔子像恐龍一樣絕種了! But, they found 14 of these tiny rabbits, and they took them to a special zoo....

Teen Pilot Lands Plane

February 23, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Do you like to fly in planes? They're a great way to travel. Planes can fly in the sky and go much faster than cars or trains. 你喜歡坐飛機嗎?飛機比汽車或火車快得多。 The person who flies the plane is called the pilot. They need to keep everyone on the plane safe. 駕駛飛機的人叫做飛行員。他們需要確保每一個旅客的安全。 Brock is a new pilot from California. He's 18 years old. Recently, Brock had the scare of his life. 來自加州的 Brock 只有 18 歲,是一位新手飛行員。最近他經歷了人生的一場驚嚇。 When his plane had a problem, he had to think fast. 當他的飛機發生問題的時候,他必須趕快想辦法解決。...

From Golf Course to Public Park

February 22, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Fore! I love playing golf! It lets you walk outside and enjoy nature while you play. 我喜歡打高爾夫球。它讓我可以走出去享受大自然。 Golf courses are big outdoor spaces, with lots of grass and trees. But only golfers can use them. 高爾夫球場在寬廣的戶外,有很多花草樹木,但是只有去打球的人可以用這個場地。 Frodsham Golf Course in England used to be for golfers only. The golfers had to pay money to play there. 英國的 Frodsham 高爾夫球場就是這樣,球員要付錢才能進場。 Some people think that's not fair. Such a big place should be for everyone to share. So Frodsham Golf Course ...

Elderly Taiwanese Form E-Sports Team

February 21, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Almost got it… Oh no! Better luck next time. Do you like video games? Online games are my favorite. 我最喜歡玩線上遊戲。 With online games, you can play against gamers from around the world. Some gamers even play on professional e-sports teams. 線上遊戲的玩家可以跟世界各地的玩家對戰,有一些玩家甚至加入職業電競隊伍。 Most e-sports gamers are young. But recently, a new e-sports team was formed in Taiwan. This team is special, because all of its players are over sixty years old. 大多數的電競選手都很年輕,但最近,台灣有一支新成立的電競隊很特別,所有的隊員都超過六十歲。 Mrs. Chiang i...

Kids Invent Heated Life Jacket

February 20, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hi students! Today I want to talk about an invention. There have been some great inventions. Almost everything was an invention at one time, like the telephone and the car and the airplane. 今天我們來聊聊發明。世界上有很多大發明,像是電話、汽車,還有飛機。 Most inventions are made by adults. But today, I want to talk about a cool invention made by some kids in Canada. Their names are Liam and Fraser. 很多東西都是大人發明的,但是今天我要講兩個加拿大的小孩發明家,叫做 Liam 跟 Fraser。 One day, Liam was taking sailing lessons and fell into the sea. Luckily, he...

British River Brought Back to Life

February 19, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hi everyone! You guys know that pollution is a big problem around the world, right? It's in the air. It's on land, and it's in the water. That's bad! 環境污染到處都是,空氣、土地、河流都會被污染,很糟糕! But, there is also some good news. Many people are working hard to clean up the environment. In England, scientists are helping to make a river called the River Mersey much cleaner. 但也有人努力清理環境。英國的科學家想讓一條叫做梅西河的河流變乾淨。 That river was famous for being one of the most polluted rivers in Europe. Scientists even said the r...

Man Makes Stairs to Mountain Temple

February 17, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

People like to visit a mountain temple because it is peaceful. But to reach that place, they need to climb the mountain first. It's not easy. 因為氣氛寧靜,人們喜歡拜訪山上的寺廟,但是要到那裡需要先爬山,這可不容易。 That was the problem for a village in India. That village had a mountain with a Hindu temple on top. The temple was famous, and many people wanted to visit. 印度一個村莊有一座山,山頂上有一座著名的印度教寺廟,很多人想去參觀。 The problem was, there were no stairs! It took people many hours to climb. Plus, old people and children could not do it. T...

Samba Steps Boost Brazilian Soccer Skills

February 16, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

There's a big party in Brazil this week! Called the Rio Carnival. It happens every year, in a city called Rio de Janeiro. 里約嘉年華來了!它每年會在里約熱內盧這個城市舉辦。 The biggest dance in Brazil is the samba. So, at the Rio Carnival, everyone is samba dancing! 巴西最熱門的舞蹈是森巴舞,嘉年華的時候大家都在跳森巴! Samba is all about the lower body. The legs move really fast, while the upper body stays still. Soccer, or "football", is the same. It's mostly played with the feet. Lots of Brazilian players say samba dancing helps them play...

Girl Allowed to Own a Unicorn

February 15, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hey students! Do you have a pet? Maybe you have a dog. Or maybe you have a cat. Or maybe a bird. Or maybe you have a unicorn? What? Unicorns aren't real? Shhh! I know that, and you know that. But don't tell an American girl named Madeline. 你們有養寵物嗎?狗狗、貓咪、小鳥,還是獨角獸呢?我們都知道獨角獸不是真的,但可別跟 Madeline 講喔! Madeline lives in California. She really wants a unicorn. But she wants to make sure she can own a unicorn if she finds one. So, she wanted to first get a license. Madeline 住在加州,她很想要養一隻獨角獸。為了確定她找到獨角獸之...

Charity Shop Finds Mystery Card

February 13, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is Valentine's Day! A day for love. Some people love chocolate, they want to eat it all the time! Some people love their pets… but they don't want to eat them! 愛有很多種,有人愛巧克力,有人愛寵物。 Some people love helping others. A great way to do that is to donate. That means giving your stuff away for free. 還有人愛幫助別人。這些人會去捐東西。 Charity shops are where you can donate your stuff. They sell it, and use the money to help good causes. 你可以把東西捐給慈善商店。他們會把東西賣掉,用賺來的錢幫助其他人。 In the UK, someone donated an old bag...

Years of Historic Radio Saved

February 12, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is World Radio Day! The first radios were made over 100 years ago! 今天是世界收音機日!世界上第一個收音機出現在一百多年前! Radios meant that, for the first time, people could sit in their homes and listen to someone talk miles away. We're used to it now with TV and the internet, but at the time it was all cool and new! 有收音機代表大家可以坐在家,就可以聽到遠方的人們在講話,這在當時是很新奇的發明。 In the old days radio shows were kept on "tapes": long, thin lines of plastic. When they broke, the shows were gone forever. Today radio shows are kept on...

The Year of the Rabbit

January 18, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Happy New Year everyone! Next week will be the start of the Year of the Rabbit! 新年快樂!下星期就是兔年的開始。 Last year was the Year of the Tiger. Tigers are big, strong and brave! Rabbits are small, cute and fluffy! 老虎高大強壯而勇敢,兔子則嬌小可愛,還毛茸茸的。 In old Chinese stories, the tiger was the king of all the animals! So, in the Year of the Tiger, people are really brave! They make big choices in their lives. Their choices don't always go super well, but a tiger is never afraid to try! 中國傳統故事裡,老虎是百獸之王。所以大家在虎年的時候會很...

A Goal to Protect 30% of Earth

January 17, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Do you have a goal? Most people have goals in life. That means they know what they want. 你有目標嗎?大部分的人都會有一些人生的目標。這意味著他們對自己想要的東西有想法。 The best goal is a clear goal. If you know exactly what you want, it is easier to get. 最好的目標就是清楚地知道你想要什麼,就更容易得到。 Recently, all the countries in the world had a big meeting called COP15 ("cop fifteen"). Their goal was to solve a problem. 一百多個國家的代表最近聚集在一起,參加 COP15聯合國生物多樣性大會。 他們的目標是解決一個問題。 Every year, more kinds of plants and animals are lost forever. It is one of ...

Young People Share Huge Bucket of Popcorn

January 16, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

I love eating popcorn! It's so delicious when I add some salt and butter. 我喜歡吃爆米花!加一點鹽跟奶油,真是美味。 I always eat popcorn at the movies. 我總是在看電影的時候吃爆米花。 When my family goes to the movie theater, we get a big bowl of popcorn to share together. 我們全家去電影院的時候,總會買一大桶的爆米花來分享。 In fact, did you hear what happened recently in Kaohsiung? 你有聽到最近在高雄發生的事嗎? Some young people went to a new movie theater. There, they filled a huge bucket with popcorn. 1600 liters of popcorn! That bucket is so big, you could sw...

Boston's Brand New Bronze Statue

January 15, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Have you ever seen a statue? It can be made of stone, or metal, or all kinds of things! 你看過雕像嗎?你可以用各種材料製作雕像。 Yesterday, In Boston, Massachusetts, they got a brand new very special statue. It's 20 feet tall and 40 feet wide. And it's made of a beautiful shiny metal called bronze. 昨天,有一座新雕像在波士頓落成了。這座雕像是用青銅做的,高 20 呎,寬 40 呎! It was made for a famous person from history, called Martin Luther King Jr. In fact, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! He believed it was wrong to treat someone differen...

Radio for Afghan Girls

January 12, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Today is Public Radio Broadcasting Day. 今天是世界無線電日! The radio has many programs: music, news, and education. 收音機會播放音樂、新聞,還有教育節目。 So, let's talk about some radio programs which do an important job in Afghanistan. 我們來聊聊阿富汗的廣播節目! Afghanistan is a big country in Asia. Recently, that country got a new law. The law says girls can't go to school. 最近,阿富汗的新法律規定女孩不能上學。 Girls want to change this law, but for now they must stay home. If they can't go to school, how can they keep learning? 女孩子們想推翻這項法律,...

Village Oven Bakes Again

January 11, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

We get most of our heat and light from electricity. The problem is, electricity can be expensive! 我們的熱能以及光都是靠電力。但是電費很貴喔! Thousands of years ago, in England, owning an oven was expensive too. Most people didn't have one in their home. 好幾千年以前,大多數的英國人家裡沒有窯,因為窯太貴了。 Instead of lots of little ovens, most villages had just one that was really big. They called it the "village oven". The baker would use it first. Then, while the oven was still warm, everyone else could use it too! 當時村莊裡面會有一座共用的窯。烘焙師...

Owl Rescued by Fishing Crew

January 10, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Ohhh… I hear an owl. 我聽到貓頭鷹的聲音。 Shhh… let's listen… Owls live in the forest, right? But did you know they can fly super far? Sometimes owls fly very far away from their home in the forest. But, one owl in Scotland flew too far! 貓頭鷹住在森林裡面,牠們有時候還會飛得離家很遠。但有一隻蘇格蘭的貓頭鷹不小心飛太遠了! This owl flew far, far out over the sea. The poor owl was being attacked by seagulls, so it landed on a fishing boat. 牠飛過大海,被海鷗攻擊,最後停在一艘漁船上。 The people on the fishing boat saw the owl and helped it. They took it inside ...

Indian Man Grows Taiwanese Guava

January 09, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Do you like to eat guava? It's a green fruit that grows on a tree. I'm eating some right now. Delicious! Guava is popular in Taiwan, but people in India also eat it. 你喜歡吃芭樂嗎?芭樂不只在台灣很有名,印度人也吃芭樂。 In fact, an Indian farmer named Kapil is thankful for Taiwanese guava. This fruit has made his farm successful. 有一位叫 Kapil 的印度農夫很感謝台灣的芭樂,因為芭樂讓他的農場大獲成功。 Kapil used to work at a big city bank. When COVID-19 came to India, Kapil lost his job. He had to go home to his family's village. Kapil 本來在銀行工作,但是在疫...

The World's Biggest Water Battery

January 08, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

We can use the power of water to make clean energy, without any smelly smoke or dirty pollution. 我們可以用水力製造乾淨的能源,還不會製造汙染跟濃煙! That's why, high in the mountains of Switzerland, they've just built the world's biggest water battery! 現在瑞士在一座高山上,蓋了世界最大的水電池! It's made of two huge lakes, one high above, and one down below. To make electricity, water moves super-fast from the high lake down to the low lake, through big long tunnels! 這個電池由兩座湖構成。水會從比較高的湖,通過隧道流到比較低的湖裡面,這樣就可以發電! Inside the tunnels are h...

Strangers Unite After Airplane Cancelled

January 06, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Last month in America, an airline flight was cancelled. 上個月美國有一架班機被取消,不能飛。 Everyone thought they were going to be late! Until one very clever traveler, called Renee, had a very clever idea… 大家都以為他們將會晚到目的地,但名叫 Renee 的旅客想了一個好點子。 Instead of flying, Renee thought she and her daughter could drive home! Renee 覺得她跟她女兒可以開車回家! Just then, Renee had another very clever idea! She knew there were lots of other people who wanted to fly too, but couldn't because the flight was cancelled. So Renee asked t...

Printers Help Musicians Save Money

January 05, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Ah! The violin. So beautiful, so peaceful, so… expensive! 小提琴聲音好好聽,可是好貴! The most expensive violin ever made cost 20 million U.S. dollars, that's nearly 615 million NT dollars! A new violin for a beginner costs about 15,000 NT. But that's still a lot of money! 世界最貴的小提琴要兩千萬美金,將近六億一千五百萬台幣! 初學者的小提琴大概一萬五千元台幣,但這樣還是很貴! Do you know what that is? That's the sound of a 3D printer. 這個聲音是 3D 印表機。 They're so cool, they can make anything you like! Toys, tables, tennis rackets… you name it! 可以做出任何你想要的東西...

Making Arms from Plastic Toys

January 04, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Do you like to play with plastic bricks? They are fun toys we can use to build things. You can use plastic bricks to build cars, houses, even castles and spaceships. 你喜歡玩塑膠積木嗎?我們可以用它蓋很多東西,像是汽車、房屋、城堡,甚至是太空船。 Now, a man named David is using these toys to build arms. 現在,一個名叫 David 的男生用塑膠積木做了一條手臂! When David was born, his right arm was much smaller than his left arm. At school, other kids would bully him about his smaller arm. Their words made him feel bad! David 出生的時候,右邊的手臂比左邊的小很多。他在學校常常被霸凌,讓他...

Saving Fish by Removing Dams

January 03, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

A river is very strong. It takes water from the mountains to the ocean, and it's always pushing forward. A river is full of power! 河流的力量很強,可以把水從山上一路帶到海裡。 How can people use that power? On many rivers, people build a dam. A dam is a wall across the river. The dam can hold back the water, and use the river's power to make electricity for people. 人們會在河川上蓋水壩,把水攔住,用河流的力量發電。 More dams make more power, and more electricity for us to use. That sounds good… but actually, people have decided to remov...

A Washing Machine for Humans

January 02, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Do you sometimes not feel like taking a shower? Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of machine that could clean your body? 你會不會有時候懶得洗澡呢?如果這時候有機器可以幫你洗澡,該有多好! Imagine this: You get into a machine that looks like a big bathtub. You turn it on, sit back and relax, and 15 minutes later, you're done. Oh, and the machine also dries your hair and your body. 想像你有一個像大浴缸的機器,啟動它、坐下去,然後好好地放鬆。15分鐘後,就洗好了!機器還會幫你弄乾身體跟頭髮。 You don't have to do anything! Doesn't that sound amazing? Well, here's the...

South Koreans Change Their Age

January 01, 2023 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Birthdays are great! I can't wait until my birthday, when I will turn one year older. My birthday is in August. What month is your birthday? On that special day, you can add one year to your age. 每過一次生日,我們又大一歲了!我的生日在八月,你的呢? Actually, there's one place where everybody gets older on the same day. That place is South Korea. How can this be? In South Korea, there is an old way to count a person's age. On January 1st, every person adds one year to their age. 在南韓傳統中,每個人在新年那天都會長一歲! That means no ...

Hong Kong Lights the Sky with Lasers

December 29, 2022 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

For many people around the world, tomorrow is the end of the year! So, it's "Bye Bye, 2022!", and a big "Hello!" to the year 2023! Tomorrow, December 31st, is called "New Year's Eve". Because it's the last day of the year, there's always a big party! Everyone counts in the New Year together… When the New Year begins, so do the fireworks! 明天是12月31號,大家都會一起倒數新年。新年一到,就會開始放煙火。 One of the most famous New Year's Eve fireworks shows in the world is right here in Taiwan! At Taipei 101. It's so ta...

Zimbabwe's Young Chess Queens

December 28, 2022 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Have you ever played chess? It's a fun game. One person uses black pieces, and the other uses white pieces. Each person wants to take the other's pieces and win the game. 你有玩過西洋棋嗎?一個人拿黑棋,另一個拿白棋,兩邊會吃對方的棋子。 We can have a good time playing chess, but it can also improve our lives. Just ask Grace. She is a ten year old girl from Zimbabwe, and a star chess player. Grace 是一個辛巴威的西洋棋棋手,她只有十歲! At first, Grace did not think she could play chess. Some people said the game was too hard for young girls....

Huge Goldfish Found in France

December 27, 2022 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Hi, students! Today, I want to talk about a special goldfish in France. What's so special about this goldfish? It's really, really big! 法國有一條金魚,體積超級大! Usually, goldfish weigh about half a kilogram or less. They are pretty, small, and cute. Sometimes you see them in little fish bowls swimming around. But not this goldfish named Carrot. Carrot weighs 30 kilograms! 一般的金魚最多只有半公斤重,可以在小魚缸游來游去。但是有一條名叫胡蘿蔔的金魚,重達 30 公斤! The fish was small when it was first put into a lake 20 years ago as a baby. In t...

Zoo Reopens in Kaohsiung

December 26, 2022 22:00 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

December 27th is "Visit the Zoo Day", so today… I'm going to visit the zoo! Yeah! The Kaohsiung Zoo just opened again, and it looks great! The old zoo was too small for the animals, but the new one has lots of space, and it's cleaner and nicer too! 高雄壽山動物園重新開幕了!舊的動物園對動物來說太小了,新的大多了! There are 'skywalks' at the new Kaohsiung Zoo. They are like bridges. People can see the animals much better now, but the skywalks also hide the people from the animals! 新的動物園裡面有空中步道,我們更容易看到動物,但動物看不到我們。 This is ...