A Red Panda for Taipei Zoo 

Taipei Zoo has a new animal from Japan! He's small. He's a fire-colored ball of fur. He's very cute and fluffy!
His name is Mirai. He's a red panda! Mirai is four years old. A four-year-old human is a child, but Mirai is not a child. Red pandas live about ten to twelve years. Mirai is a young adult. He’s here to be a dad!
Mirai is full of energy. He's excited to meet you! Fan meetings with Mirai start in April. Bring your camera… but no flash, please! Maybe you can see Mirai do something cute! Or maybe you can see him climbing or having a snack.
從四月開始未來就會公開亮相,你可能會看到牠爬樹或吃點心。別忘囉! 拍照不要有閃光燈喔!
Every year, Mirai has fewer red panda friends in the world. There are less than ten thousand! Their tree homes are cut down. The places they live are getting hotter. And hotter weather is bad for them.
You can help by doing good things for the Earth. And when you visit Mirai, be nice to him!
Mirai, Taiwan's new red panda, is waiting for you at the Taipei Zoo!

1. small 小的
Look at that poor thing! 你看那個可憐的小東西!
Oh my, it’s so small. 天哪,牠好小。
Of course it’s small. It’s a baby bird. 當然小,牠是一隻鳥寶寶。

2. adult 成鳥
I wonder where the adults are. 不知道成鳥在哪裡。
You mean its parents? 你是說牠的爸媽?
I think they’re out looking for food.我想出去找食物了。

3. bring 帶來
I do hope they bring back enough food. 我希望牠們帶足夠的食物回來。
That shouldn’t be too hard. 那應該不會太難。

4. something 一些東西
Birds can always find something to eat. 鳥兒總會找到東西吃。
Let’s come back and visit that baby bird again. 我們再回來看那隻小鳥吧。
Yeah, maybe we can see it grow up and fly. 好啊,也許能看到牠長大飛翔。

1. Where is Mirai from?
a. China
b. India
c. Japan

2. How old is Mirai?
a. Four
b. Ten
c. Twelve

3. Which zoo is Mirai at?
a. Hsinchu Zoo
b. Taipei Zoo
c. Shousan Zoo

1. c
2. a
3. b

A Red Panda for Taipei Zoo 

Taipei Zoo has a new animal from Japan! He's small. He's a fire-colored ball of fur. He's very cute and fluffy!


His name is Mirai. He's a red panda! Mirai is four years old. A four-year-old human is a child, but Mirai is not a child. Red pandas live about ten to twelve years. Mirai is a young adult. He’s here to be a dad!


Mirai is full of energy. He's excited to meet you! Fan meetings with Mirai start in April. Bring your camera… but no flash, please! Maybe you can see Mirai do something cute! Or maybe you can see him climbing or having a snack.

從四月開始未來就會公開亮相,你可能會看到牠爬樹或吃點心。別忘囉! 拍照不要有閃光燈喔!

Every year, Mirai has fewer red panda friends in the world. There are less than ten thousand! Their tree homes are cut down. The places they live are getting hotter. And hotter weather is bad for them.


You can help by doing good things for the Earth. And when you visit Mirai, be nice to him!


Mirai, Taiwan's new red panda, is waiting for you at the Taipei Zoo!




1. small 小的

Look at that poor thing! 你看那個可憐的小東西!

Oh my, it’s so small. 天哪,牠好小。

Of course it’s small. It’s a baby bird. 當然小,牠是一隻鳥寶寶。

2. adult 成鳥

I wonder where the adults are. 不知道成鳥在哪裡。

You mean its parents? 你是說牠的爸媽?

I think they’re out looking for food.我想出去找食物了。

3. bring 帶來

I do hope they bring back enough food. 我希望牠們帶足夠的食物回來。

That shouldn’t be too hard. 那應該不會太難。

4. something 一些東西

Birds can always find something to eat. 鳥兒總會找到東西吃。

Let’s come back and visit that baby bird again. 我們再回來看那隻小鳥吧。

Yeah, maybe we can see it grow up and fly. 好啊,也許能看到牠長大飛翔。








1. Where is Mirai from?

a. China

b. India

c. Japan

2. How old is Mirai?

a. Four

b. Ten

c. Twelve

3. Which zoo is Mirai at?

a. Hsinchu Zoo

b. Taipei Zoo

c. Shousan Zoo


1. c

2. a

3. b