A Festival for People Born on Leap Day

Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine… Wait, there are twenty-nine days this February! Today is a leap day!

Can you wait to have your birthday once every four years? Well, about five million people around the world were born on a leap day. These people are called leaplings.
你能等四年才過一次生日嗎? 全世界差不多有500萬人在閏日出生。

After a birthday, leaplings wait for four years for the next one! And they finally have their birthday this year! They're jumping for joy!

Anthony, a small town in Texas, is the Leap Year Capital of the World. This American town is having a three-day Leap Year Festival! It starts tonight! Leaplings from all around the world are going to this big birthday party.

Imagine the sight of fun attractions, the smell and taste of delicious foods, and the sound of cheerful music. At the Leap Year Festival, there will be games, food, and live music for everyone!

Today is a very special day, especially in the Leap Year Capital of the World! Happy Birthday, leaplings! Have a slice or four of birthday cake and have a fabulous, leap-tastic day!



1. delicious 美味的
Wow, what smells so good? 什麼東西這麼香?
It's my roast chicken.是我的烤雞。
Oh, it must be delicious! 一定很好吃!

2. special 特別的
Yes, it's for a special party tonight. 是為了今晚的特別派對。
You're having the party at home? 在家裡辦派對嗎?
No, at the town hall.不是,是在里民中心。

3. live music 現場音樂
We'll have live music, food and drinks. 我們有現場音樂,食物和飲料。
What is it for? 是為什麼呢?

4. born 出生
For all the people born before 1950. 為了1950年之前出生的人。
I didn't know old people love parties. 我不知道老年人也喜歡派對。
Everyone loves parties.每個人都喜歡派對。

Do you like parties? Let's read the words.
live music現場音樂


1. How long do leaplings wait for their birthdays?
a. One year
b. Four years
c. Eight years

2. Where is the Leap Year Capital of the World?
a. Taipei
b. Tokyo
c. Texas

3. How many days is the Leap Year Festival?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three

1. b
2. c
3. c

A Festival for People Born on Leap Day

Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine… Wait, there are twenty-nine days this February! Today is a leap day!


Can you wait to have your birthday once every four years? Well, about five million people around the world were born on a leap day. These people are called leaplings.

你能等四年才過一次生日嗎? 全世界差不多有500萬人在閏日出生。

After a birthday, leaplings wait for four years for the next one! And they finally have their birthday this year! They're jumping for joy!


Anthony, a small town in Texas, is the Leap Year Capital of the World. This American town is having a three-day Leap Year Festival! It starts tonight! Leaplings from all around the world are going to this big birthday party.


Imagine the sight of fun attractions, the smell and taste of delicious foods, and the sound of cheerful music. At the Leap Year Festival, there will be games, food, and live music for everyone!


Today is a very special day, especially in the Leap Year Capital of the World! Happy Birthday, leaplings! Have a slice or four of birthday cake and have a fabulous, leap-tastic day!




1. delicious 美味的

Wow, what smells so good? 什麼東西這麼香?

It's my roast chicken.是我的烤雞。

Oh, it must be delicious! 一定很好吃!

2. special 特別的

Yes, it's for a special party tonight. 是為了今晚的特別派對。

You're having the party at home? 在家裡辦派對嗎?

No, at the town hall.不是,是在里民中心。

3. live music 現場音樂

We'll have live music, food and drinks. 我們有現場音樂,食物和飲料。

What is it for? 是為什麼呢?

4. born 出生

For all the people born before 1950. 為了1950年之前出生的人。

I didn't know old people love parties. 我不知道老年人也喜歡派對。

Everyone loves parties.每個人都喜歡派對。

Do you like parties? Let's read the words.



live music現場音樂




1. How long do leaplings wait for their birthdays?

a. One year

b. Four years

c. Eight years

2. Where is the Leap Year Capital of the World?

a. Taipei

b. Tokyo

c. Texas

3. How many days is the Leap Year Festival?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three


1. b

2. c

3. c