Topics: Estrangement, Weight Issues, Self Worth, Addiction, Opiates, Adult Children, Connection Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Chris Williams, Special Guest Dr. Ron Archer, author of What Belief Can Do: How God Turned My Pain Into Power and Tragedy Into Triumph Caller Questions: What do you do when your kids and grandkids don't want anything to do with you?  How do I deal with losing weight

The post New Life Live: June 25, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: EstrangementWeight IssuesSelf WorthAddictionOpiatesAdult ChildrenConnection

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Chris Williams, Special Guest Dr. Ron Archer, author of What Belief Can Do: How God Turned My Pain Into Power and Tragedy Into Triumph

Caller Questions:

What do you do when your kids and grandkids don’t want anything to do with you? 
How do I deal with losing weight in a more spiritual way and feel better about myself? 
Is there a way to stop being so sensitive at 29yo? 
My opiate addict husband is getting out of rehab; how can I help him in recovery? 
I have a hard time being around my immature 27yo son; what do I say or not say? 
I have a disability and feel isolated; should I move to a disability community? 

Suggested Resources:

Healing Is a Choice

Lose It for Life

Take Your Life Back

How We Love

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The post New Life Live: June 25, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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