Topics: Narcissists, Affairs, Boundaries, Finances, Confrontation, Anger, Addictions Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions: How do I respond to my covert narcissist husband who acts like a 5yo?  My unfaithful ex-husband of 20yrs recently called and is wanting more connection.  I make ninety percent of our income; how do I get my husband to participate more financially?  Anger management

The post New Life Live: June 24, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: NarcissistsAffairsBoundariesFinancesConfrontationAngerAddictions

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton

Caller Questions:

How do I respond to my covert narcissist husband who acts like a 5yo? 
My unfaithful ex-husband of 20yrs recently called and is wanting more connection. 
I make ninety percent of our income; how do I get my husband to participate more financially? 
Anger management helped my husband for a while, but now he gets angry when I confront him. 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love

Take Your Life Back

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The post New Life Live: June 24, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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