From the New Life Live! archives, this Flashback Friday show originally aired on January 29, 2015 Topics: Blended Families, Counseling, Bipolar, Anger, Alcohol, Incarceration, Pornography Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Dave Stoop, Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions: My husband puts his grown stepson from his first marriage above our own son.  Is there a way to know if a counselor is trained in EMDR?  How do

The post New Life Live: January 29, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

From the New Life Live! archives, this Flashback Friday show originally aired on January 29, 2015

Topics: Blended FamiliesCounselingBipolarAngerAlcoholIncarcerationPornography
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Dave StoopDr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions:

My husband puts his grown stepson from his first marriage above our own son. Is there a way to know if a counselor is trained in EMDR? How do I deal with my emotions that caused my bipolar husband to walk out? Also, I’m pregnant. What guidance can I give my 24yo son who will spend one night in jail for a DUI? My husband signed up for EMB for his porn addiction; what behaviors should I expect until then? 

Suggested Resources:
NIV Spiritual Renewal Study Bible
Healing Is a Choice
Life Recovery Bible
Worthy of Her Trust

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The post New Life Live: January 29, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

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