Topics: Separation, Anger, Teens, Church Life, Divorce, Grief, Codependency, Sexual Abuse, Borderline, Dating Hosts: Dr. Jill Hubbard, Milan Yerkovich, Becky Brown Caller Questions: My husband came back 2yrs ago after a long separation; how do I fix my marriage when he won't get help?  How do I help unsaved teen and pre-teen Sunday School students from dysfunctional homes?  Is it normal to second guess a divorce? Is

The post New Life Live: January 28, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: SeparationAngerTeensChurch LifeDivorceGriefCodependencySexual AbuseBorderlineDating
Hosts: Dr. Jill HubbardMilan Yerkovich, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

My husband came back 2yrs ago after a long separation; how do I fix my marriage when he won’t get help? How do I help unsaved teen and pre-teen Sunday School students from dysfunctional homes? Is it normal to second guess a divorce? Is it compassion or cold feet? How can I be there for people when I have lost my job and currently have COVID? Can you have a trauma bond with someone when they are not the source of the trauma? 

Suggested Resources:
Take Your Life Back
Restoration Bible
How We Love
Life Recovery Workbook for Grief

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The post New Life Live: January 28, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

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