Next Episode: Classless

This Sunday, January 14, we continue with the sermon series "Why in the World?" A number of you are using the accompanying materials from Andy Stanley in your connect Groups. Last Sunday we talked about how incredible it is that God showed up in a human body and lived among us in Jesus. We said that Jesus didn't claim to have the best explanation about God; rather He declared that He was the best explanation of God. Since Jesus came to communicate and demonstrate who God is we can count on every story about Jesus- every word in Scripture, in fact- revealing the way Jesus helps us see the Father more clearly. Read the story of the man born blind in [John 9]( to get ready: []( Watch the Video and more here: --- Subscribe to our Sunday Morning Sermons on Apple Podcasts: - Website: - Donate via PayPal to support the podcasts and the Technical Arts Ministry of New Hope! - Facebook: - YouTube: - Vimeo: - Google+: