Previous Episode: Like Son, Like Father

This Sunday, January 21, we continue with the sermon series “Why in the World?” We have talked about how awesome it is that God showed up in a human body and lived among us in Jesus. We said that Jesus didn’t claim to have the best explanation about God; rather He declared that He was the best explanation of God. One of the reasons Jesus came from heaven to earth- as the perfect and full representation of the Father- was to remove barriers that prevented us from connecting with one another. The ground is level at the foot of the cross, and it’s vital that we stay aware of our profound gratitude to God for the gift of forgiveness and new life. Read Romans 5:7–8 and Luke 7:36–50 to be prepared for this Sunday’s message, “Classless.” To read these go to:–8%3B+Luke+7%3A36–50&version=NLT --- Subscribe to our Sunday Morning Sermons on Apple Podcasts: - Website: - Donate via PayPal to support the podcasts and the Technical Arts Ministry of New Hope! - Facebook: - YouTube: - Vimeo: - Google+: