Previous Episode: Even More
Next Episode: Experiencing God's Peace

This Sunday, November 4th, we will conclude our sermon series "A Grace-Full Life." God's grace comes to us in four movements: "Even There, Even Now, Even More, and Even Then," or more specifically prevenient grace, justifying grace, sanctifying grace, and glorifying grace. It all about living out our God's all-reaching, soul-saving, character-shaping, never-ending love. This week, we will focus on Romans 8:38-39 which tells us that nothing can separate us from God's amazing love. Even physical death cannot separate us from God's love - God's grace extends throughout our life EVEN WHEN we pass from this life to the next. The gift of God's glorifying grace is that we don't have the fear the death of these earthly bodies. God is with us. It is God's never-ending love and grace that allows us to both live and die well. We talk about dying well - living confidently in Christ NOW and THEN! We take some time and think about death and even examine the condition of our souls. While no one really likes to sit around and think about their death, talking about living and dying well is one of the most important conversations we can have with ourselves and God. Subscribe to our Sunday Morning Sermons on: - Apple Podcasts: - Stitcher Radio: - Google Play: