"Who I Am in Christ" Hebrews 3 - January 10, 2023

Read Here: https://www.bible.com/en-GB/bible/111/HEB.3.NIV

. Hebrews 3:6, But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory. Today, we continue to explore who we are in Jesus Christ. Who I Am in Christ - In Christ, we are the house of God. What in the world does that mean? The author is speaking about the superiority of Jesus over Moses. The builder of the house is greater than the servant in the house. You can imagine how this would have angered the Jews at the time.


But then he makes the statement that we, as believers/coheirs/followers/siblings/friends of Jesus, are actually the house of God too. In Christ, you are God’s house. Redeemed human beings are now the dwelling place of God. When we say yes to Jesus, the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of the Living God) comes and dwells within us. There is power in that! We are little God houses walking around. Visualize that for a moment.


But there is more to this Scripture. The author of Hebrews says that we are the house of God IF we hold firmly to the confidence and hope we have in Jesus. Let’s be careful in how we interpret this verse. The text is saying that our faith must be more than just superficial. It can’t be fleeting. It’s not saying the sinner’s prayer one moment and then living life in exactly the same way that we always did. The presence of the Holy Spirit within us will inevitably change us. How can the presence of God be in us and we not be changed? We are the house of God if we hold fiercely to the courage, boldness, and hope we have in Jesus. This doesn’t mean that sometimes our faith won’t waver. But it means that we will always seek God and maintain hope. It’s that hope that is the mark of a believer. It’s that hope that can be found in us little God houses.


In Christ, you are a house of God. In Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit is within you!


Let’s pray…Lord Jesus, May the mark of your hope always be evident on and in me. Amen. .


Our staff and leadership employ what's called the “S.O.A.P. Method”. It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Each day, we read one or two chapters of Scripture and focus on one particular verse. We make some observations about how that verse touches us, discern how it applies to our lives, and offer a prayer related to what we have read. - Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison -- Donate via PayPal to support the podcasts and the Technical Arts Ministry of New Hope! https://goo.gl/o2a9oU Subscribe at: http://www.findnewhope.com/soap (813) 689-4161 keywords: devotional, bible study