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Daily Dose of Hope June 19, 2024, Day 4 of week 12

Scripture: Deuteronomy chapter 19 through 22, Psalm 6, and the gospel Luke chapter 10 
Welcome back to the daily dose of hope, the devotional and podcast that complements New Hope Church’s Bible reading plan. 

Let get into our scripture today: 
Chapter 19-22 of Deuteronomy continues to lay out the rules and laws that God expected the Israelites to govern themselves by. In essence God wants them to behave and learn to live together with mutual respect. All of these laws are geared in conjunction with the 6th commandments. "You shall not murder". The representative laws in these chapters all protected people who were vulnerable for one reason or another. Criminal law, specifically crimes against persons, is in view. God instructed Moses to cover the regulation that dealt with various circumstances the Israelites would have to encounter before they reach Canaan. God's concern for His people's possessions and reputations, as well as their lives, stands out clearly in these  chapters. What can we learn from this passage of scripture? Whatever we come up against God has our back. “Do not be afraid, for the LORD your God is with you.” A quote from God that often spoke to the Israelites. Understanding God’s love for his chosen people was key to him protecting them even in their rebellion.  To arrive at Canaan there had to be some sort of respect for human lives, but also the  Israelites needed to know how to protect themselves. Israel’s warfare as they journey to Canaan was not to eliminate their enemies. God just wanted peace among the people as the Israelites inhabit the land. God wanted them to possess. This section ends with various laws being enacted, one in particular is laws concerning sexual relations. These statues defended the sanctity of marriage, the purity and innocence of virginity, and the honor of a women’s reputation. One way they were to express faithfulness to God was by honoring the covenant of marriage. The same is true for us. 

Moving to Psalm 6. In this psalm, David is seeking to discover the reasons behind his suffering. He believes his suffering is the result of God disciplining him due to his sin. Like a son appealing to his father , he asks for relief from his earned rebuke. David had sin, and his spiritual condition has physical and emotional repercussions. How long would he have to suffer, he asked of the Lord? But notice David does not run from God; He runs to God. His pleads to  God was on the basis of his covenant and faithful love to God. He asks God to rescue him before he descended to the grave. He is confident the Lord heard his weeping plea for help and his prayer for mercy and deliverance has been accepted. He looks forward to how God would act on his behalf, turn back his enemies, and disgrace them for their deeds against God’s anointed one. As Christian we too can go to God for mercy and understanding according to (1 John 1:5-9) even in the context of our sin and failure because our covenant relationship with him through Jesus Christ. My friend that Good News for all of us. 

Lastly moving to the New Testament; Luke chapter 10. We continue looking at heading toward Jerusalem. This chapter of scripture brings us back to some familiar texts. The sending out of the seventy, the good Samaritan and a visit to Martha and Mary. Here we see Jesus draws away from public ministry and theological debates to focus on his continue preparation of his disciples for what will happen in Jerusalem. This was a kind of “internship,” a training time while Jesus was still with them. Although Jesus wanted those then and wants Christian now to spread the message concerning the teaching of the Kingdom of God. He knew it would not be a simple task. It was difficult to give a message many in the world did not want to hear then and now. Still, efforts to tell others about our savior is our Christian’s responsibility. If we do not tell them, who will? No matter the difficulty and rejection of God’s salvific invitation, we must rejoice over our God-appointed responsibility. To lead someone to have their names written in Heaven’s records along aside of ours. As I end this devotional podcast what will it take to get you out of your comfort zone? Here is your opportunity to fulfill God’s purpose for your life! Until tomorrow remember our goal as a congregation to read the bible in one year together as a family of faith. Five days a week we read. Two days rest or catch up. Reading the is the way we increase and walk out our faith as believers. This is Pastor Lavetta, and this is the daily Dose of Hope. 

The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope…