Next Episode: June 19 day 4 week 12

Daily Dose of Hope June 18, 2024, Day 3 of week 12

Scripture: Deuteronomy chapter 15 through 18, Psalm 115, and Luke chapter 9 
Welcome back to the daily dose of hope, the devotional and podcast that complements New Hope Church’s Bible reading plan. 

Let get into our scriptures today: 
We begin with Moses telling the Israelites how God wants them to behave. Here we see God instructing his people to show concern for the welfare of every individual regardless of their economic or social status. In the Sabbatical year, which was seven years after a person accrued a debt. Everyone who has lent money to anyone must cancel the debt. It is interesting that God guarded against extreme wealth and extreme poverty. In God’s economy concessions were had for His people not to endure hardship. As we move further into the text, we see Moses repeating  the instructions regarding the  three most important feasts, which included sacrificial meals, that the people would eat at the tabernacle. These festival serves as a reminder of what God had done to deliver them out of  Egypt and a requirement of all Israelites male to assembled at the sanctuary three times a year to celebrate the Passover, the Pentecost, and Festival of Booth. It was a time to reflect on Israel allegiance to Yahweh, their Lord, and their God, on their redemption from sin, their spiritually enslaved condition, while rejoicing in God's provisions, corporately and regularly.
This passage of scripture stressed legislation that advocated for respecting authority figures in the nation and to their extended family. God wanted Israel to show itself to be a holy nation. This means in religious worship as well as in political relationships. Moses stresses here the key principle of justice on how to behave in public. The chapter ends with Moses letting the people know God will raise another Prophet like him as a way to prepare them for Mose’ departure since he would not enter the promise land. Moses exhortation was a measuring stick to hold up against any prophet who claimed to speak in God’s name. Ultimately, Jesus would be the only prophet who will speak for God perfectly without any sin or impurity.

Moving to Psalm 115:

This psalm tells  us to trust in the LORD. This means, believe what the LORD says, and wait until on him  to send you help when you need it. The important thing that the psalm teaches us is there is only one God. All other gods are man-made and cannot do anything to help us. The God that we serve is the God in heaven and he does whatever he please. God is sovereign! Our job on earth is to believe and praise the Lord. Only if we acknowledge him now will we be with him forever. In death it is too late to make this decision.

Moving to the New Testament the gospel of Luke Chapter 9

This is a familiar text to most of us where Jesus began to prepare the twelve for what had to take place in Jerusalem. Once Peter reveal Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus validated his mission to the disciples as being the Messiah and he would be rejected by Israel religious leaders to be killed, buried  and then raised on the third day. This conversation allowed Jesus’ to communicate to the disciples some expectation of what life would be like to serve as a disciple. In preparation eight days later, Jesus took his inner circle of disciples, Peter, John, and James to the mountain where Jesus was transformed as Moses and Elijah appeared in glory speaking of his departure once he accomplished his mission  in Jerusalem. All of the other passage deals with Jesus divine powers and authority in the earth. This chapter ends with Jesus explaining who is fit for the kingdom of God. No one who looks back is fit for the kingdom. To all who want to have it both ways, Jesus insist that loyalty to him mean following him. As Christians, we  have a responsibility to share the gospel. We must still share it even when it is rejected by unbelievers. Remember, as believers, we’re called to share even when it’s challenging. Until tomorrow remember it is our goal as a congregation to read the bible in one year together as a family of faith because reading the Bible is the way we increase and walk out our faith as believers. This is Pastor Lavetta, and this is the daily dose of hope. 

The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope…