Sky is my guest on today's episode of the New Construction Marketing Podcast and we talk about maintaining good habits during a housing boom. When people line up outside of your model home it's easy to become lazy and only go for the low hanging fruit, but what goes up-must come down. And when it does, you don't want to have atrophied sales muscles-you want to work them out every day so when the going gets tough-you're ready for it!

Sky Stephens is the co-founder of the Association of Professional Builders, a
business coaching company dedicated to improving the residential construction industry for both builders and consumers. Sky is a firm believer that residential home builders deserve to be earning more money for the service they are providing and that consumers deserve a superior service than they currently receive. The problem is the difficulty of delivering world-class service on tiny margins, or without having the proper systems in place.
In order to maximize client experience and overcome these difficulties, the
Association Of Professional Builders helps builders systemize their building
company. The result is an improved client experience which leads to more
demand. This allows an increase in margins and ultimately the ability to scale their businesses into desirable building companies that possess real value and can be sold as an asset.

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