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Nadia Wiler is a wedding photographer turned new home salesperson after Covid 19 virtually eliminated wedding industry. She knew she had to pivot and she picked new home sales as her new career because it is "pandemic proof".

Despite becoming an employee she runs her community in Plano TX at K. Hovnanian Homes as her own business. I found her on Instagram and was immediately impressed by what she is doing on this social media platform to sell homes.

Today we're chatting about all things Instagram as it specifically relates to new home sales. We discuss one of the newer features on the platform-Instagram reels. I would strongly suggest grabbing your phone so you can follow along and I challenge you to create a reel of your own!

I did it! (Not very well-but hey, it's work in progress! Check mine out here. Since this is the 100th Episode of the Podcast, I'm doing a giveaway-$100 Amazon gift card. To enter-create an Instagram reel of your own and use #newconstructionmarketingpodcast and tag @anyachrisanthon. Winner will be announced on November 15th, 2020.