Please register for this webinar: Top leaders in homebuilding are coming together (including yours truly) to give their predictions and advice for how to crush your 2021 goals. We're competing to see who gets the most registrations-so you guys gotta help me win! Please register even if you can't attend-they'll send you a replay. 

Make More Marbles founder Brad Hart is part of a tribe of abundant-minded creators who are changing the way that business is being played. Instead of pouring energy into focusing on the problem, they bring solutions to the table. Instead of grabbing for the marbles that are already there, they shift our focus to creating more.

As an experienced entrepreneur, investor, trader, advisor, and mentor to people who want more from their life, Brad has mentored thousands of entrepreneurs and investors, built a hedge fund that returned 106% net of expenses in 2013, has been featured multiple times in Forbes (as well as several popular blogs like The Four-Hour Workweek). His articles have been read over 1,000,000 times.Brad is a sought after speaker, thought leader, and exchanges radical ideas with heavy hitters in multiple industries.

After building (and helping to build) several successful ventures in various industries (trading, real estate, etc.), he has refocused on what he loves most: Building businesses, managing wealth, mentoring entrepreneurs, and helping others to create abundance in all areas of their lives.

Today we're talking about Brad's latest book The 8 Minute Mastermind and Brad shares some great marketing ideas to help you generate leads.