After I was first introduced to my next guest, Andrew Biernat, he told my producer, “This guy sounds like me in 24 years!” Which I couldn't help but take as an extreme compliment. Andrew describes himself as an ‘Infectious Energizer,’ Christ follower, devoted husband and father, and The Buffalo Bills #1 Fan. Like me, Andrew has a history of alcohol addiction. Unlike me, he celebrates 7 years sober this week. Congratulations Andrew!

Andrew shares the story of when he discovered that he was very good at drinking. Then how he realized his new 'skill' led to many missed opportunities and finally how a 90-day pledge to stop drinking turned into 7-years of sobriety and an incredible life journey.

Enjoy this deep dive into the topic of sobriety titled 'Man in the Mirror' after the song sung by the late great Michael Jackson.

You can reach out to Andrew here:
On Linkedin:
Via his website: 

Reach out to Kelly Schols @