In this episode of the show, I got to speak with ReallySchool’s product manager, Kat Cauchi about all things ReallySchool.

A former teacher and TA, Kat really knows what it takes to support teaching and learning and those all important observations you have to undertake in a primary school. It was really interesting to learn more about the product, how it can help reduce workload, improve communication and better support parental engagement. 

In this episode, the questions I posed to Kat included:

·         What is ReallySchool?

·         Why was it developed?

·         What problems/issues does ReallySchool help with?

·         What would be your top tips for recording observations?

·         How can you make the most of ReallySchool’s reporting tools? 

·         What are your top tips for communicating with parents and carers?

To learn more about ReallySchool visit or to connect directly with Kat, please follow her on Twitter here

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