David Hooper is best known as a marketer in the music industry. He hosts Music Business Radio, and is the author of books like Quit Your Job (and Never Go Back) 10-Day Money Makeover The Rich Switch Law of Attraction Six-Figure Musician, among others. Don’t miss his smart marketing know-how at BigBoldImpact.com.

Reinvention, Self-publishing, and Networking for Musicians and Beyond.

NBN7 Show Notes

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David has been working n the music business since 1995.

He did his first recording session at five years-old in Nashville, his hometown.

As a performing musician, he was better at getting people to his shows than playing the music. He had a revelation and decided to shift to becoming a music marketer.

Inspired by his self-publishing uncle who had his own short-run printing press, David canceled a deal to write a Complete Idiot’s Guide book.

David explains the advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing over traditional publishing.

“I’m not really a writer, I’m just a guy with ideas and I tell stories.”

David shares his process of writing his most recent book, Six-Figure Musician.

“Never copy what the last successful guy did.”

Check out John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneur on Fire podcast.

“You have to play your game. You can’t be somebody else.”

“People change, plans change.”

David explains how your career can be like a bad relationship.

His book. The Rich Switch book explores mastermind groups.

Concept first shared by Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Mastermind groups are between 5 – 7 people who come together with a definitive purpose.

How to have a negativity free day.

“If you show me the donut, I’m going to show you the hole. My job is to find the problems in everything.”

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale.

“Look for the good in everything.”

His radio program, Music Business Radio, began when he was working on a large music conference. The conference was taking up all of his time, so he decided to depart the conference to start the radio show. He very much still wanted to be a Nashville ambassador.

How musicians should approach networking… or anyone.

Don’t network just because. We need to have purpose.

Dunbar’s number.

“Sometimes it just takes one or two good connections to make something happen.”

Have purpose when you meet people.

David explains how he balances so many relationships.

Music and geography brings people together.

We explores his own reinvention.

“Don’t wait for other people to invest in you. You’ve got to do it.”

We talk about PodCamp Nashville, May 17th in Nashville.

Favorite app: Things (iOS). David talks about working from lists using the Pomodoro technique.

Favorite recent book: On Writing by Stephen King and Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

Contact David @davidhooper or visit Big Bold Impact.

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Affiliate links used, read the disclosure. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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