Mark Schaefer is the chieftain of the blog {grow} and social media bouncer. He is a consultant, educator, podcaster, author of Return On InfluenceBorn to BlogThe Tao of Twitter, and Social Media Explained.

How to Use Social Me to Network and Build Your Business

NBN6 Show Notes

Listen to episode 6 in iTunes or Stitcher.

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Thanks to John Piercy for leaving a message and requesting Keith BurtisMark BlevisTod Maffin, and Thomas Hawk. Check those guys out!

Mark resides in Knoxville, Tennessee, just a few hours down the road from my home in Nashville.

He explains how he round up sitting next to Randi Zuckerberg and Kristin Chenoweth during SXSW Interactive.

We talk about networking at SXSW and how it has changed over the years.

Mark's SXSW presentation was about "content shock". Read more about this on Mark's blog.

"In the US, we spend 10 hours a day on average consuming content."

The key takeaway is that he firmly believes the next killer app in marketing is to be more human.

People want to buy from people they know and trust.

"If we can remember that we need to connect in a human way, then I think we are all going to be okay."

We discuss how companies should use Twitter effectively. Why a company should use a face over a logo in their Twitter profile.

We just spent the last 100 years broadcasting and mass-advertising. Community has been re-created with the virtual town square.

"You can't build an emotional connection to a logo".

We talk about Chick fil-A and the use of Twitter to build loyalty.

When you have someone faking it for you, you're playing with social trust.

Mark explains his book writing process for Social Media Explained.

He shares the five questions he receives from his clients the most (I do too). Each question is answered in his book:

How do I measure this, what's the ROI?
Where do I get started?
What platform should I use?
How do I have time for this?
What do I do about negative comments?

Mark guarantees you will learn something on every page.

We talk about how to get started building your network using social media.

Mark shares his love for Twitter. He includes lots of great ideas here.

"Twitter is the fastest, most effective way to build a targeted, relevant audience."

Follow Mark on Twitter @markwschaefer.

Check out the Marketing Companion podcast with the brilliant, Tom Webster. Learn about Google Pants on that show.

Mark shares his secret on how he is able to manage his time to create great content. It's not what you think.

Mark's 3 main sources of revenue:

through his clients.
creating content.
educating people through his classes.

If what he is working on does not have anything to do with the above, he doesn't do it.

Discipline and focus!

Mark recommends the book, Age of Context: Mobile, Sensors, Data and the Future of Privacy by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel.

Contact Mark at

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Thanks for listening. You rock!

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