Scott Stratten is best recognized as @unmarketing on Twitter. He has written three best selling books,UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start EngagingThe Book of Business Awesome / The Book of Business UnAwesome, and QR Codes Kill Kittens: How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, and Drive Your Business into the Ground. Scott is the co-host of Unpodcast with his partner Alison Kramer. He is a must-see keynote speaker too!

Exploring writing, publishing, public speaking, social media, and much more.

NBN8 Show Notes

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Scott explains his choice between self-publishing and traditional publishing for his books.

His publisher, Wiley, got him in front of people, on bookshelves, distribution and exposure to networks and conferences.

Scott makes his living from keynote speaking.

UnMarketing is used as a textbook in forty universities including Harvard, Columbia, and University of West of Scotland.

He used a specific email address in his books to understand where people were coming from. Great idea.

Ready to write a book? Ask yourself, “What do I want from a book?”

There is no way you’ll make much money by going with a traditional publisher.

Publishers want large audiences. Their job is to sell a lot of books.

Scott got his start working in marketing in the music industry.

Scott began by self-publishing a book called TGIM: Thank Goodness it’s Monday. It took him five years to write and publish it. It’s easier to write a book with deadlines (I can agree with this!)

If you ever see a friend’s book at a store. Be sure to give it great placement to help.

How can we position ourselves as experts? It’s all about networking.

“The fundamental about networking is connection before commerce.”

We do business with people we know, like and trust.

You can network with people who would be your competitors if they lived in the same city.

“If we have no threat geographically to each other, that opens up even more of a trust in a networking space.”

For 7 or 8 years, Scott created viral videos (he apologized for using the term). This was before YouTube. They were created to build email lists.

In 2009, Scott gave Twitter a second try - a final shot. He lived on Twitter for 30 days, and tweeted 7,000 times in one month. He went from 1,200 followers to 10,000!

Scott did a great job with his keynote during New Media Expo this year.  Airplane with QR code.

“If I stop one person from putting a QR code on a urinal, I’ve done my job.”

My silly QR code.

Scott critiqued 3-400 presentations each semester when he was a professor at Sheridan College. He learned that it is not about them, it’s about the content.

“The people sitting in the audience want value. They want content they can learn from.”

Use three takeaways.

“The best way to sell is to teach.”

Respect your listener’s time.

QR codes on business cards. Good idea? Bad idea? Scott shares his thinking on this.

“The job of a networking event isn’t to see how many cards you can give out. It’s to give out as few as possible to those you only connect with.”

Scott has garnered more than 165,000 Twitter followers since April 8, 2008.

We talk about how Twitter has changed since 2008. He explains how he doesn’t like it as much now.

“We create our own noise.”

His biggest social media mistake was accepting every friend and follower request early-on.

How to use Twitter Lists.

Scott uses TweetBot. He mutes certain automation apps. Now he sees live, real-time tweets.

Scott talks about how finds and shares so much great content.

His entire purpose in life is to stay on top of what’s going on and to have an opinion about it.

We talk about podcasting.  They podcast by renting a studio and live video the recordings.

I love my podcast listeners (that's you :)

Scott recommends my book (thanks Scott!). New Business Networking: How to Effectively Grow Your Business Network Using Online and Offline Methods (Que Biz-Tech).

Contact Scott on Twitter at @unmarketing. Be sure to check out his blog at and

His fourth book, UnSelling, will be available October 1. Stay tuned!

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Affiliate links used, read the disclosure. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

Thanks for listening. You rock!

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