John Morgan is known as the Chuck Norris of branding and is the author of Brand Against the Machine: How to Build Your Brand, Cut Through the Marketing Noise, and Stand Out from the Competition. With his popular blog and being an in-demand public speaker and consultant, he is a globally recognized authority on branding and digital marketing.

Talking about personal branding, business networking, writing, public speaking, and overcoming self-doubt.

NBN12 Show Notes

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Thanks to Nicholas Young for his audio comment.

Check out PodCamp Nashville.

Listen to these fine podcasters Clark BucknerErik Fisher, and Jeff Brown.

John Morgan says he is more picky about who he networks with. He explains that he figures out who he needs to know, makes a list, and focuses on building those relationships.

“I want to network with the people who can send me business. Who is already talking to my prospects? Who can promote my products and services.”

We talk about how John would create his personal brand if he had to start again.

Use social to figure out who you need to know.

We talk about Chris Brogan. Listen to our interview here.

John pays attention and makes notes of what’s important to the people he is interested in connecting with.

We do business with people we know, like and trust. That doesn’t happen until we’re genuine in how we build relationships.

John uses Evernote to keep track of who he is trying to build relationships with. However, you naturally remember common interests with like-minded people naturally.

“Patience is a key to networking.”

“As you share the things you value in life, you’re allowing people to connect to you.” It’s reverse networking.

“You’re opening the door in the conversation for people to come connect with you.”

We talk about corn and Korn.

John shares tips for overcoming self-doubt. We all go through it!

“Set yourself up for success.”

“When you’re worried about what people are going to think about you, you’re not focused on your audience you’re focused on you.”

“When you have self-doubt, you’re too focused on you.”

“How dare you allow your self-doubt to keep yourself from helping someone.”

We speak about public speaking.

John shares his thoughts on the writing process.

How to find positive people in your life.

Check out the Altitude Alliance with John and Alli Worthington.

John shares the story of how he started public speaking. It’s a crazy story!

I spoke about the power of improv training in public speaking and meeting people.

John recommends going beyond TED talks, Seth Godin, and Gary Vaynerchuk, and watch comedians perform.

His favorite app is Evernote. He has learned how to use it best by speaking with other entrepreneurs who use it.

John recommends reading How To Sell Your Way Through Life by Napoleon Hill. You can get the audio book for free here.

John is working on a new book about achievement, getting over self-doubt and self-sabotage, which will be out by the end of Summer.

Contact him at and on Twitter @johnmorgan.

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Affiliate links used. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

Thanks for listening. You rock!