Karen Schulman-Dupuis is a digital media expert, curator of dialogue, community engager and builder. She manages digital communications for MaRS Discovery District in Toronto.

Talking about technology, start-ups, social media, networking to grow your career, and a fantastic personal story.

NBN11 Show Notes

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Thanks to Rob Blatt for his audio comment.

The MaRS Discovery District is an urban innovation, not-for-profit, center in downtown Toronto. They help companies launch and grow.

Karen found her job from networking online and offline. Don't miss listening to her story.

Karen began working in sales for a telecom.

She was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which put her on her back for a couple of months. During this time she realized she was ready for a change.

She was spending a lot of time volunteering and engaging with a community that had nothing to do with her work. She was connecting with people who organize TED and Ignite events, and using social media.

It was time to focus her energy on getting paid to do the work she loves to do.

She found the job at MaRS via Twitter.

She worked with NetCom Canada years earlier. The former president Ron Close, eventually ended up being an entrepreneur-in-residence at MaRS. She asked for an introduction to the team.

Grow your network now before you need it!

She managed MaRS social profiles for two years. She now has a business development role.

“It’s all about the conversation of course.”

“We’re all about the people. If people aren’t connecting with us, there’s no value in what we are doing.”

Listen! Twitter really knocked it out of the park for Karen and her career.

Karen showed up at the events people were promoting.

“That handshake made all the difference!”

“Twitter is the warmest handshake there ever was.”

Small Business Community Network (Slideshare).

“It’s all about the conversation. If you talk more than you listen, you are missing many opportunities.”

We spoke about Mathew Ingram. Follow him on Twitter and check out his Instagram photos.

One difficulty on Twitter is the big wigs talk to other big wigs. It’s like a high school clique.

Karen took every professional development opportunity she could. Read more about that in her interview in the Globe and Mail.

We discuss how to affordably use professional development to improve our own lives.

“Spend your time wisely.”

You have to bring it back to your goals. What are your goals?

The Women’s Executive Network has helped her with mentorship.

Look at yourself as having a career. I am my career.

Do your homework.

What the F*** are your doing? Read this post by Karen.

Karen talks about dealing with a personal problem at a job she had. She explains how she dealt with it.

“You don’t ask, you don’t get.”

Don’t be apologetic about asking.

“My Father is from Brooklyn, my Mother is from Liverpool. Direct is my middle name.”

The most successful ways Karen has grown her network are handshakes and engaging online.

Karen recommends Tweetbot.

Her favorite book is Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.

Contact Karen @karensd or karensd at gmail.

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Affiliate links used. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.


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