Erik Fisher is a productivity broadcaster. He hosts the amazing Beyond the To-Do Listpodcast. Erik is also the co-author of Ready Aim Fire!: A Practical Guide To Setting And Achieving Goals.

Talking about conference networking for introverts, using Twitter as a networking tool, podcasting, and productivity. 

NBN13 Show Notes

Listen to episode 13 in iTunes or Stitcher.

Thanks to Brad Ferris and Blake Mankin for their audio comment and networking tip. Record one now.

Erik Fisher explains why he started his productivity podcast, Beyond the To-Do List.

He shares productivty tips he has learned from his guests on his show. Some of his favorites include: Chris BroganPaul Jun, and Donald Miller.

Erik was working data entry during the summer of 2005, when he discovered podcasts.

It took him two years before he started podcasting. He had a comedy show called We’re Both Right, which was featured among the the top 10 comedy podcasts by iTunes.

He later teamed up with Cliff Ravenscraft to create a show called Social Media Serenity.

In August 2012, Cliff decided to do less shows, and Erik decided it was time to start Beyond the To-Do List.

Check out Mitch Joel’s Six Pixels of Separation podcast. Read about how Mitch uses podcasting to build his network in Chapter 8 of my book, New Business Networking.

Erik did not expect so many fans so quickly when he launched his show. He started with a small audience he already had, but it grew quickly.

He explained how he was  very intentional, “I wanted to serve people”.

Check out Erik and Jim Wood’s book, Ready Aim Fire!: A Practical Guide To Setting And Achieving Goals.

Erik was thinking about writing an ebook. He connected with Jim Woods at PodCamp Nashville. They compared notes and decided to write the book together.

The goal of the book was to write a book about goals.

What changes can you make in your life later? What goals do you want to make later in life?

“We’ve got to start somewhere, and we’ve got to learn by experiencing the doing.”

Erik paces himself networking at events and conferences. He is an introvert.

He has a must-see check list to connect with key people at events.

Always get the virtual ticket for a conference. This takes the pressure off of missing out.

Erik sat down with Mike Vardy and Michael Schechter who host the podcast, Mikes on Mics.

You have to be open to serendipity at conferences.

Connect with a person you want as a guest just for a minute to schedule it. Say hello.

You don’t have to soak in everything.

Recharge and take a break. Recharge yourself and your phone.

To prep for a conference. Create a “hit list” of people you want to meet.

Use your return flight as a time to send follow up messages.

Erik was talking to Mari Smith, who said she learned to use Twitter like Chris Hardwick. Do a little Twitter through-out your day as you’re waiting in line or during a five-minute break.

Erik mentioned the The Pomodoro Technique

How would Erik start over today? Listen to find out.

Why sharing what you ate for lunch isn’t a terrible thing on Twitter.

Erik recommends the To Doist app.

He recommends you read, Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day. Check outThe Accidental Creative podcast too.

Pick up a free audio copy of Die Empty on Audible and support the show. now and get your first audio book for free.

Contact Erik on Twitter @erikJfisher and visit

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Affiliate links used. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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