This week I am joined by Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin and we are discussing their VESPA system looking at the importance of non-cognitive skills in educational success . This episode really helped me get back to the roots of what this podcast is all about, talking to teachers about evidence and research. Martin and Steve draw on 40 years of combined experience and a great knowledge of educational research. They pull together current thinking from psychology, business and sport to inspire, motivate and support students ensuring they achieve their full potential.

Their VESPA model outlines 5 key components to success namely vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude. 

This is a fascinating episode as both Martin and Steve speak with such authority and gravitas about their model. We discuss their book 'The A level mindset' , we like to cover all phases of education on Naylor's Natter. This episode will be particularly beneficial to those who teach A level but some of the strategies are universally applicable.

Teacher Development Trust section

Michelle is in conversation with John Collier in Stoke discussing the impact of TDT's excellence hubs and the power of collaboration.

Podcast Pedagogy Section

This week I have been reading 'The Educated Guess" by Warwick Sharp.