This week sees the welcome return of Tom Sherrington to talk through his new book (with Oliver Caviglioli) entitled Teaching Walkthrus. Teaching Walkthrus are 5 step guides for instructional coaching.
The natter:
The first question is why? What are the reasons for the walkthrus?
Secondly , what areas have you covered in the walkthru series?
Into behaviour , how important are routines and how do the walkthrus and Oliver’s work help here?  
With curriculum , How do you walkthru designing a knowledge rich curriculum and sequencing concepts in small steps?
Tell listeners about how you and Oliver have drawn on the work of willingham , William, Berger and shimamura in the explanation and modelling section .
Set out if you can , your suggested repertoire of effective questioning techniques? 
Retrieval practice ? That’s just a quiz isn’t it ? Deliberately provocative question !
What is mode A and mode B teaching , readers of the learning rainforest will be aware of course . How can teachers listening weave mode A and B teaching into a cohesive whole ?
 The how section includes guides on implementation. Could the book be used in an instructional coaching situation? 
 CPD cycles are mentioned , how important is it for leaders to map out cycles ?
 Tell us about your launch at rED Blackpool

Podcast pedagogy
We are joined by Bruce Robertson giving listeners a sneak preview of 'The Teaching Delusion' , I will be reviewing classic film 'Coach Carter' and Four Tet's Sixteen Oceans in music.

*****Listener discount code- WALK40 to get 40% off any quantity of Walkthru's up until the end of March**********