*******This week's interview was recorded some weeks ago so please bear that in mind when listening*******

This week I am in conversation with Daisy Christodoulou . Daisy is  the Director of Education at No More Marking, a provider of online Comparative Judgement software for schools. Comparative Judgement is an innovative, reliable and quick way to assess essays. You can find out more about how it works on the No More Marking website.

Before joining No More Marking, Daisy was Head of Assessment at Ark Schools, a group of academy schools in the UK, and before that, I was a secondary English teacher in London.

Daisy has  written three books about education, Seven Myths about Education, Making Good Progress, and Teachers vs Tech. Find out more about them here.

You can read more about Daisy in this profile from Schools Week and this one from the Guardian. You can contact Daisy via Twitter @daisychristo.

We discuss:

ch 1 - why hasn't ed tech succeeded in the way we would have liked in the past?
* ch 2 - personalised learning - is this a good thing?
* Ch 4 - what is flipped learning, should we all be doing it, if so why not?
* ch 5 - what are the ups and downs of using devices to learn?
* Ch 6 & 7 - what is so good about spaced repetition algorithms?
Ch 7 - will robots ever take over from teachers?!
* I'm a student / parent / teacher / SLT member and I really want to use tech to help learning - what should I do?

We  also talk about comparative judgement and VAR

Podcast pedagogy


We have a contribution from listener Natalie 

TDT Section 


In lockdown, we are now looking at streamed movies . This week it is the Amazon streamed 'Blinded by the Light' 


I will be reviewing Dreamland by Alexis Ffrench . A much needed oasis of calm in a desert of uncertainty.

We will be continuing with the podcast during these difficult and turbulent times. Stay safe out there listeners , we appreciate you being here!