This weeks natter is with Bukky Yusuf and is timed to coincide with the eve of #teacher5aday week starting 2nd December.

Bukky Yusuf is a Secondary Science Teacher, Consultant and Qualified Coach.

Bukky has worked in education for over two decades and teaches secondary sciences to A level. She has undertaken a number of leadership roles within mainstream and special schools, centring around professional development programmes, quality first teaching and learning and effective implementations of Educational Technology.

As part of her commitment to increase diverse leadership within education, Bukky participates with a number of initiatives including WomenEd and BAMEed. She is a London Regional Leader for WomenEd and is registered as a leadership coach as part of a pilot programme run by the Department for Education.

Bukky’s keenness for education and the impact that educators can make is reflected in the presentations that she delivers at local and national levels. Furthermore, Bukky supports the development of educators at all levels and promotes projects that help colleagues to maintain their well-being.

Podcast Pedagogy

This week I have been reading Martyn Reah's blogs on his experience of launching #teacher5aday and the upcoming week . In Martyn's words:

Five years on from launching #teacher5aday at the SSAT National conference instead of presenting at the teachmeet this time #teacher5aday has reached the main stage. A five day focus for leaders and teachers to develop a positive approach to well-being. A start of something which will hopefully become a regular event in school calendars across the country.

The aim of the week is to celebrate the successes of the previous five years. To bring all of the best elements of #teacher5aday from social media and into as many staff rooms across the country as possible. To curate and create a festival of well-being and provide a one stop shop for busy teachers and leaders across the country to find resource which will have an impact on their well-being and that of their colleagues. Working with the amazing team behind National Careers Week #NCW2020 a website is under construction to host all the resources which will allow the well-being conversation to continue after the 6th of December.

The week will be themed around the five aspects of #teacher5aday which was based on New Economic Foundations 5 ways to well-being .

Monday #CONNECT Tuesday #NOTICE Wednesday #LEARN  Thursday #EXERCISE Friday #VOLUNTEER

Dr Sue Roffey has started the conversations for leaders and leadership teams to consider about getting invovled in the week.

Shameless plugs:

SSA Teach Meet , BrewEd Ossy and the rED trilogy of Brum, Blackpool and Rugby all get a plug

TDT Section 

David Weston  kicks off the show  this week with the TDT section.