Jules Daulby is a literacy and inclusion expert, podcaster of The Inclusive Classroom and co-founder and national leader of #WomenEd, a grassroots organisation created to support existing and aspiring women leaders. She started out her teaching career as an English and Drama teacher and until December, 2018 was Director of Education for literacy charity, Driver Youth Trust.  Jules’ quest is to find a way to make classrooms inclusive and allow all children to thrive.  She has a particular fascination with  inclusive design of knowledge organisers, text books, worksheets and presentations.  All her work is grounded in expert knowledge and experience of literacy and SEND in particularly dyslexia and ADHD. Jules believes that all behaviour is communication and accountability pressures can sometimes create environments where students with SEND are not valued.  It is her ambition to persuade OFSTED to reward inclusion rather than exam results and push the DfE into making exams more accessible for young people who have speed of processing and memory difficulties.  Jules is a prolific blogger and tweeter and co-founder and national leader for the grassroots organisation, @WomenEd created to support existing and aspiring women leaders.


We natter about:

1) Potted history of your career to this point - as much as you like .  What is values based education?   

2) In one of your excellent blogs on your website , you state that literacy is freedom . What do you mean by this?

 3) How do we make our classrooms more inclusive? 

 4) Is all behaviour communication? What do you say to people who disagree with this ? Do you use your excellent reasons you disagree bingo card?   How do we give send learners an equal shot at education   

5) Should parents particularly in secondaries be seen as part of the solution (to whatever issues their child is having) not considered the problem. 6)Into pedagogy , do card sorts get a bad press? 

 7)in well-being , could you tell us about your blog  ‘the art of imperfection' and the crap-o-meter. 

 8)Tell is about your work with women Ed and your top 6 books by female educators .

Podcast pedagogy

This week I am reading 'Building Belonging' by Cathal Lynch

TDT Section

TDT Head of Education talks to Steve Poland about CPD in post 16 education