This week I am in conversation with Director of Teaching School partnerships at the Alliance for Learning Lisa Fathers. Lisa has taught English and Drama for a number of years in several schools and was a middle leader, senior leader and Deputy Headteacher then Associate Headteacher.

In this wide ranging interview , we talk about my favourite subjects namely professional learning and culture . We also have a a natter about the huge importance of mental health and Lisa's work in this area.

We also discuss the importance of School to School support , the use of SLE's and of course Alliance for Learning's links with Research Schools and the use of evidence in their work. 

At the end of the podcast Lisa turns the tables on me and we finally present our big reveal! Stay tuned.

The questions:

1. Tell me career journey to date 

2.How important was creating professional learning culture when you were deputy head 

3.Tell us about mentally healthy schools Pilot  

4. How important was collaboration to this programme? 

5. How does school to school support work fit into the teaching school work ? 5B and what about SLEs? 5c and what about deploying SLEs 

6. What experience of research work have you had etc?

 7. Finally - why are you so passionate about PE when you are an English teacher ?

Shameless plugs

SSA Teach Meet, rED Brum and Blackpool . We also give a very early plug for 'Insights from 2 men in a cupboard' , our new book coming 2020!

Also plug for #BrewEdScience 

Happy New Year!