This week I am in conversation with Mary Myatt on her book Curriculum- From Gallimaufry to coherence

Mary Myatt is an education adviser, writer and speaker. She works in schools talking to pupils, teachers and leaders about learning, leadership and the curriculum. She maintains that there are no quick fixes and that great outcomes for pupils are not achieved through tick boxes. She writes and speaks at conferences about leadership, curriculum and school improvement.

'Mary Myatt combines encyclopedic knowledge of schools with crystal-clear description of curriculum principles – a must-read for all those involved in improving education.

Globally, new attention is being given to curriculum principles and curriculum practice. Mary Myatt’s book is major contribution to this debate. Few books range so effectively across curriculum theory and day-to-day practice in the classroom – Mary Myatt does this with huge authority and extreme clarity.'

Tim Oates CBE, Group Director of ARD,
 (Assessment Research and Development)

‘This book weaves together theory, research, policy, and practice to provide educators at every stage of their career a practical guide to coherent curriculum design. Chapters divided by subject and strategy make it easy to keep coming back to, whilst Mary’s humorous and intelligent prose make it a pleasure to read.’

Claire Hill, Head of English and Media Studies, Dover Grammar School for Girls

‘This book has been invaluable and really balances theory, critical argument and practical applications for how we can achieve this in our curriculum planning and subject CPD.’

Aja Cortizo, Professional development Team Lead, Glyn School

‘This is exactly what I needed to read before the team goes to rewrite the curriculum this term. It is definitely a must read to completely rethink the curriculum because it covers all aspects to truly ensure ‘high challenge and low threat’ across all subjects. I’m so excited about redesigning the teaching and learning to ensure children are engaged and inspired.’

Flora Barton, Headteacher, Crowmarsh Gifford CE Primary School

Teacher Development Trust Section 

This week Bethan is in conversation following TDT's work with Ignite TSA .

Podcast Pedagogy Section

Matthew Evans talks to you, the listeners about his new book ahead of a full podcast in the New Year.

Leadership is an ill-defined domain, drowning in abstract theories and models of expertise. School leadership suffers from this lack of a satisfactory and useful definition of leadership, and has of late been drawn in to generic approaches to school improvement which have left the workforce feeling anything but `well led'. How do we put `substance' back in to school leadership? This book draws on the lessons of cognitive science and explores the specific things that school leaders do, arguing for a notion of school leadership rooted in the realities of leaders' daily experiences. It presents a case for how school leaders can develop their expertise and, in doing so, places domain-specific knowledge at the heart of school improvement efforts.

Publisher: John Catt Educational Ltd

Shameless Plugs

I countdown the top 10 Naylor's Natter's of 2019 with a homage to Top of the Pops