Do you suffer from: bloat, IBS/diarrhea/constipation,
fatigue, rashes, or brain fog? Curious if you have candida yeast overgrowth or
overgrowth of bad bacteria? In this episode Ali explains the symptoms, causes,
and most importantly the solutions to address Candida Albicans or an overgrowth
of yeast.

In this episode Ali
demystifies one of the most common causes of digestive disorders and mysterious
symptoms: Candida Albicans. “Candida” is an opportunistic fungus, which is a
form of yeast in the body that is naturally occurring. Everyone has some level
of yeast in their system, but it is the overgrowth of Candida Albicans that can
wreak havoc and lead to dysfunction. When this powerful yeast takes over,
Candida releases toxic byproducts into the bloodstream, many of which can act
as neurotoxins leading to headaches and brain fog. 

The human body holds 3-5
pounds of living bacteria that has the opportunity to work with our body or
against it. When in a state of symbiosis the gut bacteria can aid with
absorption of nutrients, production of serotonin and other natural
antidepressants, regulation of immune function and cancer fighting compounds,
and improvement of digestive function. When in the state of dysbiosis, bad
bacteria can take over, leading to a host of symptoms!

Also in this episode:

Candida Symptoms
How to diagnose Candida
Anti-fungals + Probiotics
Candida Diet: what to eat and
what to avoid
Candida Cleanse
And more!