Just like financial budgeting allows us to have more control over our money, emotional budgeting allows us to have more control over our feelings. Our brains are processing instruments, and we can think about our emotions like files. In order to effectively process our emotions, we need to develop the equivalent of an emotional filing system, and this realm is exactly where today’s guest’s field of expertise lies. Paul Sambataro is a retired school psychologist and the creator of the concept of Emotional Budgeting (on which he has authored two books). In today’s episode, Paul and I discuss the fact that a behavior always has a root cause, and how, through using his methodology, we can help our children (and ourselves) appropriately deal with these underlying triggers through changing our brains! 

Key Points From This Episode:

An introduction to today’s guest, Paul Sambataro.The three fundamental factors that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is based on. Paul’s lifelong educational journey in the psychological realm.A different perspective on mental health issues. An explanation of the concept of emotional budgeting, which was developed by Paul.How our brain deals with emotional information. Advice for parents on how they can help their children regulate their emotions. Examples of how people self-medicate when they are struggling to handle their emotions, and the dangers of this. What you will learn from applying the concepts in Paul’s Emotional Budgeting workbook.The importance of acknowledging and addressing your child’s behavior. Statistics which highlight the limited healing capacity of counseling when it is the sole intervention method.Differentiating between structure and discipline, and why Paul advocates for the former. Paul explains how we can physiologically change our brains.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Houston Behavioral Health Institute

Emotional Budgeting Workbook

The Emotional Budgeting Workbook for Youth

Deliciously Geeky

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