What is a superfood? A small number of foods have surprisingly high nutritional value. Based on the latest research, experts have identified foods that provide a significant amount of valuable nutrients. For example, researchers have shown that beta-carotine is a powerful antioxidant and a safe form of Vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are considered to be superfoods because they are high in beta-carotine, plus Vitamins C and B6, manganese and potassium. They are also a great source of carbohydrates. Dr. Marc Grossman discusses several superfoods and superfood categories, such as nuts and seeds, orange foods, eggs, and omega-3 fatty acids - even for vegetarians.

Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out  https://www.naturaleyecare.com/ to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.