Previous Episode: IronBark
Next Episode: Addressing the 'rut'.

You've seen the past week all the ZUU Certified Partners on Instagram and Facebook posting their 'huffing, puffing, physically gruelling'  ZUU #spitphase workouts and you're wondering what on earth it's all about?

Why would anyone put themselves through that day after day- but why are they so invested in getting it done?

Nathan here talks about the WHY- and it's not about their fitness! Anyone can do a ZUU course, but only those who want to continually grow, who want to be serving the public as better trainers, better leaders, better people- they are our ZUU Certified Partners.

They are the only ones who we willingly recommend any member of the public to go to train with- because they consistently dig deeper into ZUU and its purpose and invest in themselves- its not just a bunch of moves you can hack off Youtube!