Previous Episode: Bulimia and BJJ

Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.

Disclaimer - In this episode we talk about eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image issues. Some of this might be upsetting for listeners.

In this episode of the MyoMinds Podcast I speak with Dr. Russell Delderfield who works at the University of Bradford and specialises in eating disorders (ED's) in men and boys.

Listen to the full podcast to hear us talk about:

The ins and outs of eating disorders in menMuscularity oriented disordered eating and body image concernsSeeing the body as separate from the self The potentially disordered behaviours underlying the fitness communitySocietal pressures put on menThe role of masculinity in male ED's

The Devil's Advocate question: Don’t men with ED’s just need to man up?

To find Russell you can follow him on Twitter: @MaleEDResearch