Previous Episode: Athlete Support Network

Disclaimer: In this episode, we speak about eating disorders, exercise addiction, and body dysmorphia. Please take care if choosing to listen to the podcast.

In this episode of the MyoMinds Podcast I speak with Dr Jason Nagata, who is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at the University of California San Francisco and affiliated faculty with the Institute for Global Health Sciences and the Center for Sexual and Gender Minority Health. Jason is one of the researchers spearheading research around muscularity-oriented disordered eating (Hence the title of this episode) and a personal research hero of mine!

Listen to this episode to hear about:

What is muscularity oriented disordered eating? How does it differ from muscle dysmorphia/bigorexia?Who is most at risk of developing these issues and why?Are these conditions serious? What happens to people who experience this?Is help available and if so, where?and more!

The Devils Advocate Question: 'A lot of these people are just trying to build muscle, be the best they can be, and get healthier. Aren’t you just labeling muscle building behaviours as bad and discouraging healthy choices?'

You can Follow Jason and his work on Twitter: @jasonmnagata

Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds Podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.