Prayer is consciously thanking The Universal Creator, the Grand Architect, The God Within or whomever your chosen deity is for your desired outcome, before it has manifested into your life.  That’s prayer in a nutshell.   It’s important to understand the structure of prayer and know the distinction between talking with God and praying to God.  Many people don’t understand this nuance and their prayers are structured incorrectly and as a result they feel that their prayers are left unanswered.  Their bodies remain unhealed, their finances remain in shambles, their relationships continue to be contentious and happiness is out of their grasp.   When people don’t receive what they want, they sigh deeply and say in reverent hushed tones that state eloquently that, “God wanted something different for me.”

Here’s the cold hard facts, that's simply not true and your prayers are always answered. 

Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we look at the structure of prayer.