People spend far too much time worrying about what other people will think of them, verses what they think about themselves.  As a result of this many people are living lives of quiet desperation, because they are dying to please others so that they will fit in.  They are saying yes, when they really mean no.  They are sucking it up, when they should be letting it rip.  All the time making choices based on what others will think. 

We spend an enormous amount of time throughout our lives trying to please other people, primarily, because we feel this action, even though it’s counter to what we want, will make our lives easier.  The ultimate goal of this behavior is to gain the approval of those we are seeking it from.  Approval in this instance, equates to acceptance, which means that someone has chosen to acknowledge you in a way that you need to be acknowledged.  And for a moment this makes you feel good about yourself, until you realize that you don’t even resonate with their core values.  

There is a danger with trying to please at the expense of self.  It slowly erodes at the fabric of who you are, until, you don’t remember you anymore.  You move from trying, to dying, because that’s what happens to your soul when you go through life trying to please others, so they will like you and accept you.

Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we look at what trying to please others can do to your life.