A day comes when your business is making it, but you feel like something is missing.  You’re doing all the things.  You’re incredibly busy.  Your revenue is good, but it doesn’t justify the amount of time and mental bandwidth you’re using.

It’s time to uplevel your business.  Highly profitable, established businesses leverage their metrics and processes to optimize their time and revenue.  


Every business has 1 critical path that is vital.  It’s the 1 process that must work exceptionally well.  All other processes and projects support the critical path.  For entrepreneurs, the critical path is a sales funnel. 

In this episode, we’ll apply the “Special Sauce” to your Sales Funnel.  Yep, The Clarity Steps are back.  With these routine steps you can streamline your time and increase your revenue & profits!  What if by this time next year, your business doubled in revenue & profit and your time decreased by half?  Anything is possible with The Clarity Steps.

In this episode we explore: 

Improving the sales funnel process for your business Obstacles I faced in beginning stages of my business  Using the Clarity Steps to create more time for yourself Improving the processes you’re already using  Eliminating what is not working for you