This week marks the 100 year anniversary of the Disney Company. It all started with 1 man’s vision.  Although today you may be thinking about how to get your Business to work for you, what if this was the start of your 100 year business?

How can you set up your business to effect change beyond those you encounter directly? The vision you create today, the mission statement you operate under now––how does that translate to helping more people? 

Roberto Candelaria is a Master-Certified Business and Life Coach who thrives on helping people find the money gaps in their business and fix them. But our conversation in this episode goes much deeper than that. Roberto’s perspective on life and business is inspiring. He shares personal accounts of why he accidentally became an entrepreneur and how his vision and his goal of helping 10,000 women and people of color make their first million keeps driving his business forward. 

In this episode we explore

The 100 year business vision Tips and strategies to get into it The value of a simple mission statement Operating the day-to-day while believing in more Using corporate sponsorships  Ways to bring in revenue now (that aren’t corporate sponsorships)

Links from this Episode: Profitable Community Academy (P.C.A) IG: @robertocandelaria Facebook LinkedIn