Business burnout is real, my friends.  In fact, many burntout employees turn to Entrepreneurship to escape business burnout.

Once you are actively starting or running your business, the old familiar feeling of burnout may tap on your shoulder.  It starts to dawn on you that burnout can happen in any business situation, not just as an employee.  You already know, if you don't take care of your Mental Health, your business won't matter.  So how do you manage your energy so you don't burn out?

Chances are, nobody ever taught you a specific way to budget your energy.  Or worse, you didn't want to speak up about energy draining tasks because you feared being judged.

Luckily for you, My Freedom Grove, is a safe, open forum to talk honestly about mental health.  We learn about ourselves and others instead of judge.

How do you budget an intangible thing such as energy?

We're going to borrow a lesson from the world of Mental Health.  In this episode you'll be introduced to The Spoon Theory.  Grab your pen and paper.  You'll want to take notes from this episode.  You'll be presented with 7 different business tasks and lower energy options.  Check out the Link section for all the options shared.

In this episode we explore:

The Spoon Theory Individual Differences in Energy Spending Burnout Prevention Lower Energy Options in Business Energy Replenishment