My DNA Coach Podcast Episode 7:

Hattie Boydle

My DNA Coach, Jonny Deacon, interviews WBFF pro fitness model Hattie Boydle. They discuss Hattie's journey from 28 kilos to international fitness model, female coaching and being strong in mind and body!

Show Notes:

02:21 – Hattie Boydle Introduction 07:54 – 28 kilos to international fitness model 16:45 – Underestimating competing on stage 22:06 – Align Expectations 25:47 – Gratitude and meditation  31:43 – Flexible Dieting 40:01 – My community of athletes 41.47 – Being mentored by Australian Strength Coach  38:15 – Seb Oreb and Hattie's Female Strength Seminars 53.04 – What else could I have asked you today?


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