Have you ever wondered what a mammogram is? Does it hurt? Can you have a mammogram if you have breast implants? Am I too young to have a mammogram?

If you want to learn more about all things related to mammograms, breast ultrasounds, and breast screening, then this is the episode to listen to.

In this episode, I have a conversation with Dawn McDonald who works as a consultant radiographer. Dawn has been in this field for many years, and in this episode, she explains all things related to breast imaging. What it involves, what happens if you need a biopsy, and what you can expect if you get a recall from your screening mammogram.

After listening to this episode, you will no doubt feel more comfortable and hopefully less intimated if you ever need a mammogram or breast ultrasound.

It was a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it.

You can visit the show notes at:


In the meantime, enjoy the festive season, and catch up with you on the other side.

All my best,
Tasha x