In today's episode, I have a conversation with Kath Elliott.

Kath, who is based in Melbourne, Australia, was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-40s, just over a year ago. 

In this episode we talked about her she coped with her breast cancer treatment, how her family and friends got her through her chemotherapy, and that telling her 3 boys about her cancer was the hardest thing to do.

Her cancer diagnosis also changed the way she looked at her life. It made her become more reflective about her past and hopeful for the future. She described how meditation, her journaling habit and practicing gratitude have helped her through her treatment and beyond.

She has an incredibly positive outlook and has turned the trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis into a positive.

I really found this conversation inspirational, and I am sure you will too.

You can connect with Kath on instagram @healingbreastcancer.

Her website is

You can check out the show notes at

Happy listening.

Tasha x