Happy Monday, today's episode How to put yourself on top of the To do List, Nichole Banks dares you to begin this week trying one of things she mentions for one week and then add to it each week after, they are listed below.

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Here are the 4 things

1.) Plan for some me time! Everyday block out some time for YOU! I don't care if it's exercise or personal development, Some only have time for one. While others can make time for more. and why not we make time for everything thing else we do!

2 )Health can mean a magnitude of things to different people, but either way, keeping your body and soul healthy is what will bring yourself up on the priority list. Your never going to get a million dollar body off the dollar menu, listen even if you don't want the million dollar body, we all know too well how we feel after eating fast food? I would love for you to prove to the world you that you put yourself on the top of the priority list.  If that means waking up at 5 am then DO IT! If it means spending a little bit more on organic foods in order to fuel your body and feel great every day, DO IT! If it means spending the day at the spa, then DO IT! Keeping yourself healthy is the simplest way to make yourself a priority.

3) Learn to say, "no!" Especially if it interrupts your me time! Say no because you feel tired, because it bores you, because you’d rather spend your time doing something else.  Say no because it doesn’t feel right and say no confidently.  Practice saying no to the single friend who doesn't want to go alone.  Say no to that party inviation that your neighbor is having because she nows sell's papered chef, and you feel obligated, and or dipping into next week paycheck.  Say no to the favour your friend asked you to do, because you know you have no time to complete it.

Say no because it feels good, and because you know you’re putting yourself first.

Say no because you’re bumping yourself up on the priority list.

4.) Let others in the home know you need time for yourself and perhaps you can work out a trade of some sort. They will respect your me time, eventually. Because they will a much happier YOU! Really again its the ripple effect. what kind of ripple are you creating?

I'm checking in on your friday and can't wait to hear what you've tried! so Join me, and let me know either by going to nichole banks.com

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