My Accountability Membership is NOW OPEN! Head to and feel supported loved and see your results come in!!!

Nichole Banks is your Accountability Partner! She shares her passion about keeping you in control, It might just be the swift kick YOU need!

Please drop a Podcast Review & keep sharing!

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Week 4 of Part 6 series to get you Ready to Rock your new year!!!!

Did you start something new? or did you let go of something old, like a bad habit? 21/90 or 3 day rule.


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Be sure to listen to next weeks 5 of the 6 weeks series on how to rock your new year... its Find your tribe! How to discovery people who support your journey!

Holding people accountable is love. when I'm holding YOU accountable, I'm saying You're capable of a bigger Game" I'M YOUR HOST NICHOLE BANKS ENJOY YOUR WEEK UNTIL Monday!

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