Today's episode is about saying no to the Sh*t you hate and YES to more things you love, new adventures new things!

This is link is what I was referring to in the show.

My Accountability Partner is hosted by Nichole Banks, Accountability Coach,

If your heart says yes and your braiin is saying what the fuck? then i say no... and followed up by a NEXT!

Say yes to life and watch as life rewards you. So what do you say?

say yes to new chapters

say yes to new adventures

say yes to a new you



Holding people accountable is love. when I'm holding YOu accountable, I'm saying, You're capable of a bigger game!" Dare to begin...


Your listing to my accoutnabiltiy partner, I'm your host Nichole Banks, I'll be back with the friday follow up show... until then.. check out Nichole Banks .com